How Will the Rise of WFH Help Us to Adapt to Climate Change?
Millions of American workers engaged in Work from Home (WFH) during the pandemic. WFH helped us to adapt to the risk of disease contagion. Going forward, WFH will also helps us to adapt to the rising climate risks we now face. Given that global greenhouse gas emissions are likely to continue to rise as the world’s population and per-capita income grows faster than the decarbonization of the world economy (declining GHG emissions per dollar of GNP), the climate change challenge will grow more severe over time.
New climate risk modelling firms such as First Street Foundation and Jupiter are mapping the risks of flooding and fire risk that every land parcel may face over the next decades.
New climate risk modelling firms such as First Street Foundation and Jupiter are mapping the risks of flooding and fire risk that every land parcel may face over the next decades.