Marketing My Four Amazon Economics E-Books that Sell for $1 Each
Most economists do not write books. The profession does not reward book authors and not every book sells like Freakonomics or Why Nations Fail. In truth, most economists do not read books and most view economics books to be indulgent as the author writes out thousands of words rather than cutting the fat, facing the referees and making his/her point concisely. The incentives of academic economics also rewards economists for presenting their main regression and writing up the results or writing down their model and solving it. Synthesis work isn't rewarded. "Big Think" is viewed as pretentious and best left to when one is in the shower or in an AEA Presidential Address. We are supposed to be humble and modest!
Taking all of these facts as true, I want to sell my four Amazon e-books.
Taking all of these facts as true, I want to sell my four Amazon e-books.