I have co-authored a new book that argues that the answer is "YES" but there are many people who disagree with this claim.

At Johns Hopkins University, I taught Urban Economics in Spring 2020.
California real estate is desirable.  I own property there.  Zillow teaches us that it has the most valuable land in America with a Zillow average price of $644,000 in April 2021.     The national Zillow price is $276,000.
In February 2021, Johns Hopkins University Press published my new co-authored book Unlocking the Potential of Post-Industrial Cities.
A blog post that responds to Noah Smith's provocative piece titled Why Has Climate Economics Failed Us?.   It raises a deep question.  What is the point of climate economics research?  I will respond below.  Dr. Smith's piece also throws some low blows.
In this blog post, I'd like to sketch out some "rules of the game" to raise the likelihood that Americans will earn a good rate of return on the $2 Trillion dollars that the Biden Administration has proposed to be spent on infrastructure.
A case study about petty crime.  A risk neutral thief will steal if the expected benefits are greater than the expected cost.  The expected cost of theft (for those without a guilty conscience) equals the probability of detection multiplied by the $ punishment if caught.
In their important book: The Race Between Education and Technology,  Claudia Goldin and Larry Katz use a supply and demand framework to discuss changes in the U.S labor markets over the last 100 years.
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