Understanding the High Cost of Military Drone Use Using a Rebound Effect Model
The Economist Magazine's March 13th 2021 issue has a great story about drone use and drone expenditure.
The piece starts by talking about Tom Cruise in the movie "Top Gun" and says that manned airplanes are expensive.
The Resurgent Consumer City by Fall 2021
I really like Paul Krugman's NY Times piece from today. It focuses on his predictions about the short term future of cities. Here is a quote from the Nobel Laureate.
"So the best bet is that life and work in, say, 2023 will look a lot like life and work in 2019, but a bit less so.
Some Urban and Environmental Economics Links
I have moved my climate change economics blogging over to Substack.
In February 2021, we published our urban economics book ;
You can read chapter One and watch several relevant urban economic growth videos posted here.