I am delighted to announce that my new book Unlocking the Potential of Post-Industrial Cities has just been published.  For those who have an active Twitter account, you can request a free e-book by filling out the form here.    We want to encourage people to read the book and to discuss and debate the book's ideas.

In a nutshell, our book discusses economic growth and quality of life in six post-industrial cities in the United States that includes Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, Philly, Pittsburgh and St. Louis.  These cities featured a strong economic performance when U.S manufacturing was at its peak.  As these cities have de-industrialized, they have lost people and jobs and the remaining people are poorer than the national average.

The title of our book is intentional.

This blog post will sketch out some optimistic economics 101 lessons for how to reduce the risk of future Texas power blackouts without building a single new power plant.

In an economy that features no battery storage technology, a blackout occurs when at the given price of power --- aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply.

Mac McComas and I are delighted that our new book Unlocking the Potential of Post-Industrial Cities has now been published by Hopkins University Press.  You can order the book here and you can read chapter 1 for free here.

Our book takes a new look at economic growth in six old cities; Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, Philly, Pittsburgh and St. Louis.
My Research and My Books
My Research and My Books
To learn more about my research click here.

To purchase one of my four books, click here.
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