The Social Benefits of Social Capital in Fire Fighting Units Contrasted with the Social Cost of Social Capital in Police Units
Fire fighters in a city such as Baltimore have a better defined job than the police. Fire fighters do not set fires. They put out fires and save those at risk. Fires occur at random times in random parts of the city.
The quality of the fire fighting unit can be measured using; 1. time until the unit arrives on the scene. 2. time until the fire fighters put out the fire. 3. total cost for putting out the fire.
Each member of the fire fighting unit knows his role and the individual team members know whether other complementary members of the team did their job.
A KEY POINT. Once the fire breaks out, this is not a strategic game. The fire is a passive foe that makes no strategic moves. A good applied scientist should be able to almost perfectly predict its path.
The quality of the fire fighting unit can be measured using; 1. time until the unit arrives on the scene. 2. time until the fire fighters put out the fire. 3. total cost for putting out the fire.
Each member of the fire fighting unit knows his role and the individual team members know whether other complementary members of the team did their job.
A KEY POINT. Once the fire breaks out, this is not a strategic game. The fire is a passive foe that makes no strategic moves. A good applied scientist should be able to almost perfectly predict its path.