What do university think tanks produce?  Starbucks sells coffee. Tesla sells electric vehicles?  What does my 21CC at Hopkins "sell"?  In my first 2.5 months at Hopkins,  I have been on a listening tour as I talk to various stakeholders.   I can now offer some precise thoughts.

1.  My core team at 21CC has been working with me on my new urban economics research.  We have released our first report on public employment  and we now have underway a variety of new projects that will take time but are directly relevant to key urban policy issues.

2.   We have hired 10 undergraduate interns who are helping us on various projects and I will teach urban economics in the Spring 2020 at Hopkins.

As the U.S enters an election year, it should not surprise people that President Trump's team will not be leading the low carbon coalition.  Read this quote released by his team;

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the notification on Twitter and issued a statement saying the accord would impose intolerable burdens on the American economy.

“The U.S.
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