The reduction in homicides in major cities such as Los Angeles and New York City is a great accomplishment.  As crime declines, people spend more time outside and gain more from living in the city.  The city gains from having more "eyes on the street" as this builds up civic engagement, nightlife and encourages the private sector to invest more in high quality retail and entertainment to cater to these "night owls".  The net result is a more vibrant and fun city.

In Los Angeles in 1987, 812 people were murdered while in 2017 the annual murder count had fallen to 282 in a city whose population had grown.

In NYC, 2262 people were murdered in 1990 while only 295 were murdered in 2018.

As my term as the Chairman of USC's Economics Department ends on August 15th, I have been focusing on my new initiative at Johns Hopkins University.  At JHU, I am directing the 21st Century Cities Initiative.     This blog post is meant to both market this initiative and to offer some benchmarks for judging my center's performance.

Our Mission Statement is simple.

New Delhi will offer women free use of public transit.  As this mode of transit is now cheaper, more women will ride it. In this blog post, I want to discuss how this shift in the composition of riders (that a larger % of riders will be female) affects demand.

Gary Becker taught social interaction consumption models. He stressed two cases. In the "snob good" case,  Jane's demand for a product declines if everyone else is consuming it.

I am stunned and deeply saddened by the news that my friend and colleague Professor Mark Kleiman has passed away.  Mark was a brilliant man and a highly influential urban policy scholar.  Here is his Google Scholar page.     The last time I met him was at NYU after I had talked about my 2016 China book and had the opportunity to have dinner with him, Paul Romer and Brandon Fuller.  As usual, Mark was honest, tough and brilliant.  I had a great time.
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