The 21st Century Cities Initiative at Johns Hopkins
Here is the twitter page for 21CC at Johns Hopkins. I encourage you to follow our activities.
Yale's James Tobin on Encouraging Different University Divisions to Work Together to Build Up a Strong Economics Community
The Nobel Laureate James Tobin makes a number of wise points here about the challenge that Yale faced in the 1970s and 1980s for building up a cross-campus economics community. These sound familiar.
When John Lennon and Yoko Ono recorded Imagine, I doubt that they imagined a West Coast without any land use zoning restrictions. In this blog post, I will imagine exactly this scenario. My imagination was triggered by this piece written by three friends of mine.
A Podcast from 2010 about the Microeconomics of Climate Change Adaptation
This podcast was recorded back in 2010. This is a recording of a talk I gave in Culver City about the economics of climate change adaptation. I focus on the system of cities and the system of neighborhoods within cities and how they compete for economic opportunity.
What Will Life Be Like in the Year 2100?
UC Berkeley's Dan Farber has written a very nice piece about the challenge that climate change will pose for today's 20 year olds in the year 2100. As both a concerned citizen and as the father of a 17 year old, I take such informed predictions quite seriously.
The year 2100 is 81 years from now.
Is Jeff Bezos a Believer in "Limits to Growth"?
A constant debate in sustainability circles revolves around whether there are "limits to growth".
Celebrating the Career of Professor Bob Willis
I will soon attend an event that will honor Professor Robert Willis of the University of Michigan and Stanford University. Here are my brief remarks;
"During my graduate studies at UChicago, I worked for Bob as a TA and as a Research Assistant. He served on my dissertation committee.
Constant Returns to Scale and the External Validity of Field Experiments
Cooking recipes provide a blueprint for how to make a cake that serves 4 people. Given that there is a market for cake inputs such as sugar and eggs, you can use this blueprint to make 1 cake for 4 people or 2 cakes for 8 people.