Catherine Wolfram's excellent blog post about the proposed "Green New Deal" (GND) nudged me to write out a few thoughts. I recognize that we do not have a clear definition of what policies would be bundled into such a GND.
Productivity report cards have been posted for academic economists.
I support introducing a large carbon tax to mitigate climate change risk. Economists recognize that such a policy will introduce price effects (substitution effects) that will help mitigate the climate change challenge.
The NY Times reports that iPhone sales are way down in China. The recent 40% decline in Apple's stock price suggests that investors were unaware of the emerging trouble that Apple now faces. How would an industrial organization economist explain these recent facts.
The NY Times has published a very interesting piece about Facebook's effort to prevent suicide. Facebook must have coded up an algorithm for predicting a person's probability of committing suicide as a function of the content of one's posts to the platform.