How Does Durable Capital Inhibit Urban Technology Upgrades?
Emily Badger has written an excellent piece for the NY Times. Perhaps due to space constraints, she does not discuss one key issue. Most of the challenges of building "high tech" cities emerge because of durable capital. My proof goes as follows. Suppose that urban infrastructure only lasts for 1 month and then turns to dust. In this economy, you always have the option to rebuild the city using "modern infrastructure --- including sensors and subways" at the end of the month. Yes, there would be fixed costs to rebuilding but the city would always be at the technological frontier.
When a city builds a very impressive subway system that is meant to last for 70 years, it is locking into a given technology that will soon be out of date.
When a city builds a very impressive subway system that is meant to last for 70 years, it is locking into a given technology that will soon be out of date.