Winner's Curse: The Case of Optimal Local Public Tax Incentives and Amazon's HQ Decision
Winner's curse arises in cases where several bidders in an auction are unaware of the true value of the object. In this auction, the most optimistic of the bidders will bid the most for the object. Unfortunately, for the bidder --- the best estimate of the value of the object is the average of the bids. Since the winning bidder bids more than the average bid, the winner overpays for the object and is "cursed". If the bidders "know that they do not know" the value of the object, then they have an incentive to shade down their bid.
The New York Times has a nice piece about the Nash Game that cities are now playing as they position to attract the new Amazon HQ. A few thoughts.
The New York Times has a nice piece about the Nash Game that cities are now playing as they position to attract the new Amazon HQ. A few thoughts.