The methodology  yields this ranking.

Top 20
1. Harvard
2. Columbia
3. MIT
3. Stanford
5. Duke
6. Yale
7. Caltech
8. Penn
9. Princeton
10. Cornell

11. Brown
11. UChicago
11. WashU
14. Rice
15. Northwestern
15. USC
17. Dartmouth
17. Johns Hopkins
19. Emory
20. Carnegie Mellon

top 5 LACs:
22. Williams
23. Amherst
26. Pomona
28. Wellesley
30. Swarthmore

top 5 public universities:
25. UCLA
27. UM Ann Arbor
33. UNC Chapel Hill
40. UC Berkeley
43. Purdue

USC is ranked appropriately as is UCLA.   Keep in mind this is a ranking of the college.   USC's students are really good.  They are extroverts, articulate and "fast on their feet".   UCLA featured many more students who crammed for exams and excelled at this "ancient art" but lacked creativity and versatility.  
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