Do Non-Profits Respond to Market Signals?
Do Non-Profits Respond to Market Signals?
Why Didn't the U.S Enact Carbon Cap and Trade in 2009? (and a Coasian Counter-Offer)
Why Didn't the U.S Enact Carbon Cap and Trade in 2009? (and a Coasian Counter-Offer)
Human Capital Investments and the "Rat Race"
Human Capital Investments and the "Rat Race"
Pollution Self Protection Investment in China and Quality of Life Inequality
Pollution Self Protection Investment in China and Quality of Life Inequality
The Behavioral Economics of Propaganda
The Behavioral Economics of Propaganda
My Return to Doing Macroeconomic Research
My Return to Doing Macroeconomic Research
Climatopolis on the Radio
Climatopolis on the Radio
The Revealed Preference for Revealed Preference
The Revealed Preference for Revealed Preference
The Future of Food Production in a World Shocked by Climate Change
The Future of Food Production in a World Shocked by Climate Change
How Will Boston Adapt to Climate Change Risk?
How Will Boston Adapt to Climate Change Risk?
Another Problem From My New Book: Recovering the Valuation of Christmas Gifts from Observed Data
Another Problem From My New Book: Recovering the Valuation of Christmas Gifts from Observed Data
An Introduction to Empirical Microeconomics
An Introduction to Empirical Microeconomics
Duration Analysis
Duration Analysis
The Economics and Politics of the Social Cost of Carbon
The Economics and Politics of the Social Cost of Carbon
Pollution and Manufacturing Booms: Evidence from 19th Century England
Pollution and Manufacturing Booms: Evidence from 19th Century England
A Friendly "Old School UChicago" Point for My Fellow Academic Environmental Economics Colleagues to Consider
A Friendly "Old School UChicago" Point for My Fellow Academic Environmental Economics Colleagues to Consider
My Holiday Gift for the Climate Blogger Joe Romm
My Holiday Gift for the Climate Blogger Joe Romm
The Economics of New Goods: The Case of Fresh Fruit without Wax
The Economics of New Goods: The Case of Fresh Fruit without Wax
The Economics of California's AB32 Revisted
The Economics of California's AB32 Revisted
What Do Google Data Centers and Texas Wind Farms Have in Common?
What Do Google Data Centers and Texas Wind Farms Have in Common?
President Trump's Views on Urban Renewal
President Trump's Views on Urban Renewal
Three Thoughts About Regulation and U.S Competitiveness
Three Thoughts About Regulation and U.S Competitiveness
Are You Richer than Your Dad? The Demand for a Time Travel Machine
Are You Richer than Your Dad? The Demand for a Time Travel Machine
Tiebout Revisited: What Happens if the Federal EPA is Gutted?
Tiebout Revisited: What Happens if the Federal EPA is Gutted?
China's Low Carbon Big Push
China's Low Carbon Big Push
Some Unsolicited Advice for HUD's New Chief Surgeon
Some Unsolicited Advice for HUD's New Chief Surgeon
REPEC Issues a Monthly "Report Card" for Academic Economists
REPEC Issues a Monthly "Report Card" for Academic Economists
A Comment on Prof. Krugman's New "Trade Paper"
A Comment on Prof. Krugman's New "Trade Paper"
Rules vs. Discretion Revisited: Will Don Trump Listen to Ed Prescott and Milton Friedman?
Rules vs. Discretion Revisited: Will Don Trump Listen to Ed Prescott and Milton Friedman?
Will President Trump's "Pro-Jobs" Policy Create New Productivity Distortions?
Will President Trump's "Pro-Jobs" Policy Create New Productivity Distortions?
Will President Trump's Security Arrangements Cause Road Pricing in NYC?
Will President Trump's Security Arrangements Cause Road Pricing in NYC?
Some Airplane Energy Demand Economics
Some Airplane Energy Demand Economics
Progressive Thinking at Our Universities
Progressive Thinking at Our Universities
A Provocative Claim from my 2010 Climatopolis Book
A Provocative Claim from my 2010 Climatopolis Book
Did Coastal Local Zoning in Progressive States Caused the Trump Win? Post #2
Did Coastal Local Zoning in Progressive States Caused the Trump Win? Post #2
President Trump Will Use the Rest of World's Low Carbon Push to "Bring Home" U.S Jobs
President Trump Will Use the Rest of World's Low Carbon Push to "Bring Home" U.S Jobs
Facebook News as a "Game of Telephone" on Steroids or What is the Civic Responsibility of a Dominant Social Media Platform?
Facebook News as a "Game of Telephone" on Steroids or What is the Civic Responsibility of a Dominant Social Media Platform?
A Proposed Field Experiment in Ideological Mixing
A Proposed Field Experiment in Ideological Mixing
Will Demographic Change Slow Down China's Medium Term Growth?
Will Demographic Change Slow Down China's Medium Term Growth?
Tom Friedman's Advice for President Trump
Tom Friedman's Advice for President Trump
Some Facebook Economics: The Downside of Free Communication in a Huge Social Network
Some Facebook Economics: The Downside of Free Communication in a Huge Social Network
Dinner with USC Econ Undergraduates
Dinner with USC Econ Undergraduates
Cash for Clunkers Revisited
Cash for Clunkers Revisited
Acemoglu on U.S Decline
Acemoglu on U.S Decline
The Rise of USC Economics
The Rise of USC Economics
Some Predictions about U.S Environmental Policy Under President Trump
Some Predictions about U.S Environmental Policy Under President Trump
Pollution in China is almost as Interesting as Christianity and Children
Pollution in China is almost as Interesting as Christianity and Children
President-Elect Trump Will Address the Climate Change Adaptation Challenge
President-Elect Trump Will Address the Climate Change Adaptation Challenge
Short Tesla?
Short Tesla?
Did California Zoning Cause the Trump Win? A Counter-Factual of My State's Electoral Count if Housing Supply is Elastic
Did California Zoning Cause the Trump Win? A Counter-Factual of My State's Electoral Count if Housing Supply is Elastic
PERC's Conference on Free Market Environmentalism and Urban Economics
PERC's Conference on Free Market Environmentalism and Urban Economics
The USC Economics Review has Launched
The USC Economics Review has Launched
Rising Public Transit Quality in Big U.S Cities
Rising Public Transit Quality in Big U.S Cities
Zero Sum Game Logic in the NY Times
Zero Sum Game Logic in the NY Times
A Serious Environmental Economics Conference at ASU
A Serious Environmental Economics Conference at ASU
The Westwood Mormon Temple Adapts to Drought
Lost in Translation?
Lost in Translation?
My New China Piece Published in The Conversation
My New China Piece Published in The Conversation
A Return to Blogging
A Return to Blogging
Pro-Basketball Player Demand for the New Urban Lifestyle
Pro-Basketball Player Demand for the New Urban Lifestyle
Slightly Imperfect Foresight
Slightly Imperfect Foresight
The NY Times Reviews Biographies of Jane Jacobs and Richard Posner
The NY Times Reviews Biographies of Jane Jacobs and Richard Posner
Applied Climate Economics
Applied Climate Economics
A New Book Review of my 2008 Social Capital Book
A New Book Review of my 2008 Social Capital Book
Measuring Declining Trust in the Urban Police Using 911 Call Dynamics
Measuring Declining Trust in the Urban Police Using 911 Call Dynamics
Is UCLA Transportation Achieving "Carbon Neutrality"?
Is UCLA Transportation Achieving "Carbon Neutrality"?
Yes, USC is the Nation's #15 Ranked College
Yes, USC is the Nation's #15 Ranked College
Rogoff on China
Rogoff on China
More Behavioral Economics from the NY Times: The Case of Volcano Eruption Risk with Implications for Climate Change Adaptation
More Behavioral Economics from the NY Times: The Case of Volcano Eruption Risk with Implications for Climate Change Adaptation
A Sketch of a Cost/Benefit Analysis of the Expo Line Extension in Los Angeles
A Sketch of a Cost/Benefit Analysis of the Expo Line Extension in Los Angeles
Celebrating the Role of Urbanization in Improving the Quality of Life of Young Indian Women
Celebrating the Role of Urbanization in Improving the Quality of Life of Young Indian Women
The NY Times Celebrates the Tacit Boycott of Don Trump's New Hotel In Washington DC
The NY Times Celebrates the Tacit Boycott of Don Trump's New Hotel In Washington DC
A Nuanced Review of my 2016 Book: Blue Skies Over Beijing: Economic Growth and the Environment in China
A Nuanced Review of my 2016 Book: Blue Skies Over Beijing: Economic Growth and the Environment in China
The New York Times Opinion Page Opines on "Zero-Probability" Events
The New York Times Opinion Page Opines on "Zero-Probability" Events
Gains to Trade in Carbon Markets Between Liberals and Conservatives
Gains to Trade in Carbon Markets Between Liberals and Conservatives
The USC Economics Review Prepares to Launch
The USC Economics Review Prepares to Launch
The Economics Research Agenda on Climate Change Adaptation
The Economics Research Agenda on Climate Change Adaptation
Will Progressives Pay Climate Skeptics to Stop Polluting?
Will Progressives Pay Climate Skeptics to Stop Polluting?
A 45 Minute Talk about my new China Book
A 45 Minute Talk about my new China Book
Climate Change Reporting Suffers from the fact that Reporters Ignore the "Cross-Elasticities" induced by Climate Shocks
Climate Change Reporting Suffers from the fact that Reporters Ignore the "Cross-Elasticities" induced by Climate Shocks
Why Did Amazon's Kindle Publishing Reject My Advertisement's Phrasing for My $1 Book?
Why Did Amazon's Kindle Publishing Reject My Advertisement's Phrasing for My $1 Book?
President John R. Coleman: A University of Chicago Trained Economist Who Chose to Work in Manual Labor and as a Prison Guard
President John R. Coleman: A University of Chicago Trained Economist Who Chose to Work in Manual Labor and as a Prison Guard
President Obama is Pessimistic About Our Ability to Adapt to Climate Change
President Obama is Pessimistic About Our Ability to Adapt to Climate Change
A Ricardian Criteria for Choosing Which Places Merit "Climate Proofing" Using Public Funds
A Ricardian Criteria for Choosing Which Places Merit "Climate Proofing" Using Public Funds
Peers at Work as of August 2016
Peers at Work as of August 2016
The Economics of Coastal Flooding
The Economics of Coastal Flooding
My Powerpoint Slides for my "Blue Skies Over Beijing" Princeton Press book
My Powerpoint Slides for my "Blue Skies Over Beijing" Princeton Press book
The Urban Economics of African-American Exposure to Lead
The Urban Economics of African-American Exposure to Lead
Adapting to a Strategic Opponent vs. Adapting to Climate Change
Adapting to a Strategic Opponent vs. Adapting to Climate Change
China's Water Pollution Regulation
China's Water Pollution Regulation
Shiller's Conjectures About the Long Run Consequences of Income Inequality
Shiller's Conjectures About the Long Run Consequences of Income Inequality
My Advice for the NY Times as it Searches for a "Climate Change Editor"
My Advice for the NY Times as it Searches for a "Climate Change Editor"
Dr. Krugman is Correct about Urban Quality of Life Progress
Dr. Krugman is Correct about Urban Quality of Life Progress
The Federal Government's Gross Employment Flows from 2005 to 2015
China's Value Added in Rebuilding U.S Cities
China's Value Added in Rebuilding U.S Cities
Real Estate Investment and Modeling Flood Risk Uncertainty
Real Estate Investment and Modeling Flood Risk Uncertainty
An Economic Analysis of the NY Times Bashing of Exxon on "Carbon Stranded Assets"
An Economic Analysis of the NY Times Bashing of Exxon on "Carbon Stranded Assets"
Cutting Edge California Carbon Policy: Nudging Bus Operators to Use Garbage as Fuel
Cutting Edge California Carbon Policy: Nudging Bus Operators to Use Garbage as Fuel
The Value of a Statistical Life Revisited: Evidence from Hostage Negotiations with Iran
The Value of a Statistical Life Revisited: Evidence from Hostage Negotiations with Iran
Some Economics of Persistent Social Networks
Some Economics of Persistent Social Networks
My Research and My Books
My Research and My Books
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