The Professor Watchlist has been posted and I see that a brilliant co-author of mine is on the list. While he would "shoot from the hip" and say witty but controversial things, I have always viewed him to be an open minded debater and I always enjoyed speaking to him.
While I'm uncomfortable with webpages "naming names", I do believe that the nation's best universities have swung too far in minimizing student exposure to conservative/libertarian thinking. Today, there is widespread "group think" taking place at our universities. How many conservative intellectuals teach at the University of California? Jerry Brown would be too comfortable there if he were to go back to school. Is that a good thing? At UCLA's public policy school, I was routinely amazed by the politicization of the students and their closed minds with regards to basic neo-classical economics ideas.
Yet, ambitious students continue to seek out elite university slots. Take a look at this list of the top 20 Conservative Universities. With the exception of BYU, I don't know if the others are producing much research. Is there an opening for a new rigorous university to rise in the rankings that features a social science division with a positivist research agenda?