Will London Continue to be a Superstar City Post-Brexit?
London has long featured extremely high housing prices and has been ranked with New York City and San Fran and Los Angeles and Paris as one of the world's most desirable cities. Post-Brexit, will London lose this elite status? This raises the issue of what productive and amenity attributes of London will now change?
Will superstars like Elton John continue to want to live there?
Will leading finance firms continue to want to do business there?
Will Europe's talented young people continue to migrate there to work?
Will rich people from Russia and the Middle East continue to park their money there invested in real estate?
A sketch of some answers;
London is unique in terms of temperate climate and beautiful architecture and an orderly European feel while the language is English.
Will superstars like Elton John continue to want to live there?
Will leading finance firms continue to want to do business there?
Will Europe's talented young people continue to migrate there to work?
Will rich people from Russia and the Middle East continue to park their money there invested in real estate?
A sketch of some answers;
London is unique in terms of temperate climate and beautiful architecture and an orderly European feel while the language is English.