The New York Times has a nice front page piece explaining the challenges that the Washington Metro subway lines face. They are old and not being maintained. One economic explanation for these facts is that Metro Transit Agencies are investing in labor not capital. This piece provide specifics about how public transit workers in this area are paid. In a recent NBER Working Paper, Jerch, Li and I study public sector bus driver pay across the United States.
Dear Readers,
In recent months, I have posted my public writing to my free Substack. I have such fond memories of Google Blogspot, thus it deeply surprises me that Google's search engine does a terrible job in helping those who search to find past blog posts. This deeply surprises me.
As I age, I'm trying to post more dignified material to my Substack. I am sticking to what I know based on my ongoing research in microeconomics.
Thanks very much for reading my posts.
Best Regards,
Matthew E. Kahn