To Fight Climate Change, Should Progressives Pool $ and Purchase Coal to Keep it in the Ground?
This webpage says that the MacArthur Foundation seeks to fight climate change. San Francisco's Tom Steyer has focused on this policy agenda. Many successful progressives and non-profits seek to "fight climate change" through investing their time and $ resources to reduce our global greenhouse gas emissions through changing public policy.
If coal is the major dirty fuel, then why hasn't this group of actors figured out how to work together to use markets? Right now they are focusing their efforts on changing policies but policies leak across borders. U.S progressives can't change policies in China and India. Suppose that the progressives pooled their ample $ and purchase just one asset called coal.
If coal is the major dirty fuel, then why hasn't this group of actors figured out how to work together to use markets? Right now they are focusing their efforts on changing policies but policies leak across borders. U.S progressives can't change policies in China and India. Suppose that the progressives pooled their ample $ and purchase just one asset called coal.