I don't like to leave Los Angeles. I only fly away when I anticipate that I might learning something at my destination.  On December 9th, I'll have an opportunity to sit down with Professor Paul Romer of NYU to discuss China.  My parents will be there and they are eager to meet Paul.

The Pacific Ocean and blue skies and 70 degree weather are good stuff.

Starting on November 30th, negotiation teams from all over the world will go to Paris. Many academics will be there but you won't see me. I"ll be at sunny USC.   The final treaty won't have a hard carbon cap with enforcement nor will there be a global carbon tax.

The Washington Post reports about a new study that argues fossil fuel corporate interests (think of Exxon) have confused the American people through a relentless "mis-information" campaign regarding the causes of global warming.   PNAS has published the paper and it is available here.

Cooling vests offer one pathway for keeping us cool in future summer heat and also warming us up when it is too cold.  The Economist Magazine reports  about ongoing innovation taking place at Finland's VTT Technical Research Center.

Sociology lives on.  The NY Times reports that when NBA teams visit sleepy cities such as Indianapolis or Salt Lake City  that the visiting team players grow bored.

While the challenges vary on a state by state basis, here is one current report card grading states on their preparation for climate change.  Here I list a set of "free market" policies to facilitate adaptation.  For those who have read my 2010 Climatopolis book, this will be familiar.


In the past, I've done some writing on social capital and civic engagement.   I just put the theory to the test by volunteering to serve on USC Econ's PHD Admissions Committee.     USC Economics is world renown for its excellence in econometrics.

Now that I have moved from UCLA to USC, I have the opportunity to teach undergraduate urban economics again.  I taught this course at Columbia and Harvard back in the 1990s but I haven't taught it since 1998.   My friends are trying to help me to teach a good course.

To better appreciate my 2015 November Journal of Regional Sciences Lecture at the Portland Regional Sciences Meetings, you should read this NY Times long piece about melting Ice Sheets and their potential impact on our coastal cities.

I am back in the sunshine after spending two cold, gloomy, rainy days in Portland.  The Regional Science and Urban Economics Association Meetings just took place there.

The NY Times reports that Texas households are being offered free electricity after 9pm because wind power generators are generating a surplus that cannot be stored and the physics of the local grid (which is not connected to the national grid) are such that the power must just flow and be consumed

On November 5th and 6th, I was back at the University of Chicago.  I was there to participate in a Media Economics conference organized by Matt Gentzkow and Jessie Shapiro.    Luigi Zingales and the conference participants provided really useful criticism of our paper.

If you manage to scroll down to the 103rd session posted here,  you will see that the LSE's Henry Overman and I will each present separate JRS Lectures at the upcoming conference.

The front page of the NY Times reports that China's coal consumption is 17% higher than had previously been reported.  On the Opinion Piece page, NYU's Steve Koonin has a nice piece talking about the need to adapt to climate change.

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