Paul Romer on Urban Growth and Option Value
Paul Romer has posted an important blog post on the urbanization process. In the case of the nation of Colombia, he seeks to help the leaders of this urbanizing nation to create the necessary conditions to have productive and "livable" future cities. Rather than embracing a "Soviet Style" deterministic plan, he advocates setting up rules of the game that permit many development paths as individual cities discover their industrial comparative advantage and the needs and desires of their growing urban middle class.
Here is a direct quote:
Q: What do you think are the items that a “quality city” should have?
Romer quote "In the beginning, all you can do is make an allocation of public space.
Here is a direct quote:
Q: What do you think are the items that a “quality city” should have?
Romer quote "In the beginning, all you can do is make an allocation of public space.