The NY Times Implicitly States that the 1% Are the Key to Long Run Economic Growth
Read this NY Article about Internet freedom being limited in China. Towards the end of the article, here is a direct quote: "The vast majority of Chinese Internet users, especially those not fluent in English and other foreign languages, have little interest in vaulting the digital firewall.
Too Much Adaptation?
I was in Manhattan on Monday night as the big snow storm got ready to hit. The Subway was closed and all vehicles were ordered off of the roads as of 11pm that Monday night. These stringent measures turned out to be too stringent.
Escape from New York
I have been in NYC since Sunday night. On Sunday night, I had the opportunity to sit snugly with some teenagers in the Economy Plus section of a United Flight. I worked for several hours and then watched Think Like a Man. Kevin Hart packs a punch.
Middle Class Economic Progress Since 1980? The NY Times Authors Disagree with Each Other
The NY Times holds a diversified portfolio. On page 3, I read an optimistic piece by David Leonhardt highlighting economic growth in Africa and the progress in their middle class' quality of life.
Chinatown Revisited: The Long Run Coase Theorem
The NY Times returns to Owens Valley near Los Angeles. Recall that that water from Owens Valley played a key role in the growth of Los Angeles (we do use water here but it doesn't rain).
Will "Big Data" Transform Lending?
The NY Times this morning wrote about three new companies that I have never heard of. Each of them seeks to make loans to people who they believe will pay them back. These potential lenders rely on crunching "big data" to determine if an individual is "worthy" of a loan.
A Quick IQ Test
In this new world where more scholars are focusing on the development of a child's non-cognitive skills, it still is interesting to ask where you stand in the pecking order with respect to your cognitive ability.
Future Gentrification in Hyde Park Chicago Caused by the Obama Library
Back in the 1980s, Hyde Park in Illinois looked a little run down. The housing stock was a series of single family homes and brownstones that looked old and battered.
A Meaningful Life?
The NY Times achieves quite a feat today. It simultaneously gossips about Prince Andrew's life while it also gets philosophical and ponders what is a meaningful life. I am impressed with this "two for one bundle". This "news item" implicitly gives Prince Andrew "thumbs down".
A Very Good Book about UCLA's John Wooden
My long plane ride to Boston for the annual ASSA meetings provided me with the chance to read a biography of UCLA's great coach John Wooden and Leon Panetta's autobiography.
China's Marriage Market
Gary Becker's theory of marriage appears to be receiving empirical support based on new evidence from China. The China Daily reports "Love is not the only criterion for marriage in China.
This University of Chicago Booth webpage reports the unanimous agreement among some 25 top economists with the statement that; "The recent decline in oil prices will promote higher real GDP in the US over the next couple of years." So, I must ask a symmetry question.
How We Learn: Evidence from Virgin Atlantic
Before every flight there is a safety announcement concerning seat belts, water landings and oxygen. Most experienced flyers ignore this. Anticipating this point, Virgin Atlantic does not have a verbal presentation. Virgin presents this video instead.
Raise Gas Taxes Tomorrow --- A Thaler Twist
This blog post will borrow some ideas from Shlomo Benartzi and Richard Thaler's Save More Tomorrow proposal and apply them to raising gas taxes. They identified a problem that we are not saving enough for retirement.
Behomm Promotes Home Swaps Among the Sophisticated
Behomm connects sophisticated artists and design experts and creates a social network or a club whose members can swap homes. I learned about Behomm from this NY Times article.
Peers at Work
REPEC tells me that the list below is my peer group. None work in environmental or urban economics but this is very solid group.