The Law of Demand: Evidence from the City of Los Angeles
The Law of Demand: Evidence from the City of Los Angeles
A Trillion Dollar Coastal Loss in 2100?
A Trillion Dollar Coastal Loss in 2100?
Accidental Environmentalists? (A New NBER Paper)
Accidental Environmentalists? (A New NBER Paper)
Los Angeles' Mayor Anticipates One Fat Tail Event
Los Angeles' Mayor Anticipates One Fat Tail Event
Voting with Your Fins (Cod Adapt)
Voting with Your Fins (Cod Adapt)
The Marginal Carbon Footprint of Flying Part Two
The Marginal Carbon Footprint of Flying Part Two
Severin Borenstein's Excellent LA Times Op-ED
Severin Borenstein's Excellent LA Times Op-ED
Long Run Trends in Quality of Life by Race
Cities vs. Farmers: Who Can Adapt to Climate Change?
Cities vs. Farmers: Who Can Adapt to Climate Change?
Does Gov. Jerry Brown Believe that Carbon Mitigation offers a "Free Lunch" for California?
Does Gov. Jerry Brown Believe that Carbon Mitigation offers a "Free Lunch" for California?
Congressman Kevin Cramer Asks the Right Questions on the Real Cost of Embracing "Green Energy"
Congressman Kevin Cramer Asks the Right Questions on the Real Cost of Embracing "Green Energy"
Climate Adaptation and the Movies
Climate Adaptation and the Movies
Applied Environmental and Urban Economics Research at RSUE
Applied Environmental and Urban Economics Research at RSUE
The Urban Smart Grid and the Low Carbon City
The Urban Smart Grid and the Low Carbon City
Could the Social Cost of Carbon Decline Over Time?
Could the Social Cost of Carbon Decline Over Time?
Should the AEA Cancel Our Boston Meeting in January 2005 to Reduce our Aggregate Carbon Footprint?
Should the AEA Cancel Our Boston Meeting in January 2005 to Reduce our Aggregate Carbon Footprint?
The Benefits of Sprawl: Evidence from Northern Dallas
The Benefits of Sprawl: Evidence from Northern Dallas
News from India and Nashville
News from India and Nashville
Why Did Republicans Become Anti-Environmentalists? (or Are they "Private Greens"?)
Why Did Republicans Become Anti-Environmentalists? (or Are they "Private Greens"?)
Red State Farmers Adapt to Climate Change and General Lessons About Knowledge Diffusion
Red State Farmers Adapt to Climate Change and General Lessons About Knowledge Diffusion
The Toaster's Price in 1950 versus 2014: The 99%'s Rising Standard of Living
The Toaster's Price in 1950 versus 2014: The 99%'s Rising Standard of Living
The Benefits of California Coastal Development: The Case of Morro Bay
The Benefits of California Coastal Development: The Case of Morro Bay
Two Photos Explain Why Coastal California Continues to Be #1
Climate Change Adaptation: Lessons from Urban Economics
Climate Change Adaptation: Lessons from Urban Economics
My Brief Talk at Thom Mayne's Morphosis Office
My Brief Talk at Thom Mayne's Morphosis Office
Work Disruption and Continued Productivity in the Urban Economy
Work Disruption and Continued Productivity in the Urban Economy
Ingenuity in Protecting Wild Salmon: All Hail the Salmon Cannon
Ingenuity in Protecting Wild Salmon: All Hail the Salmon Cannon
Will Paris Build More Tall Buildings?
Will Paris Build More Tall Buildings?
Adapting to Extreme Cold Weather
Adapting to Extreme Cold Weather
Strangely Quoted in the Wall Street Journal Tomorrow
Strangely Quoted in the Wall Street Journal Tomorrow
A Day at UCLA
A Day at UCLA
Could Utica Rebound Because of Climate Change?
Could Utica Rebound Because of Climate Change?
Is Keystone a Bad Investment for TransCanada if China Decarbonizes?
Is Keystone a Bad Investment for TransCanada if China Decarbonizes?
A Couple of Links to My Recent China Quotes
A Couple of Links to My Recent China Quotes
Back to the Future: Watch Me Graduate from Scarsdale High School in 1984
Back to the Future: Watch Me Graduate from Scarsdale High School in 1984
Anticipating Expected Demand Increases: The Life of Gary Morse
Anticipating Expected Demand Increases: The Life of Gary Morse
Office Space in Cities Will Diminish
Office Space in Cities Will Diminish
Energy Infrastructure Maps of Flood Risk
Energy Infrastructure Maps of Flood Risk
Do Demographers Really Predict Future Population Trends Without Incorporating Women's Economic Incentives?
Do Demographers Really Predict Future Population Trends Without Incorporating Women's Economic Incentives?
NYC Prepares for More Intense Stormwater
NYC Prepares for More Intense Stormwater
Blue Skies as an Experience Good: Future Air Pollution Progress in Beijing
Blue Skies as an Experience Good: Future Air Pollution Progress in Beijing
Media Slant at the New York Times: The Case of Naomi Klein's New Book
Media Slant at the New York Times: The Case of Naomi Klein's New Book
Monitoring Water Pipe Leaks Using Smart Sensors: Will Public Sector Unions Oppose?
Monitoring Water Pipe Leaks Using Smart Sensors: Will Public Sector Unions Oppose?
Compact Cities and Faster Elevators
Compact Cities and Faster Elevators
Why Can't Jessica Chastain Promote Her Own Movie?
Why Can't Jessica Chastain Promote Her Own Movie?
Implicit Pay Cuts at Harvard!
Implicit Pay Cuts at Harvard!
Green Consumers Change the World!
Green Consumers Change the World!
"Moats" Will Mitigate the Pigouvian Externality Caused by Local Fracking
"Moats" Will Mitigate the Pigouvian Externality Caused by Local Fracking
A Photo of Some of Gary Becker's Students
Hollywood Tackles the Topic of Adaptation
Hollywood Tackles the Topic of Adaptation
Uber Makes Los Angeles a Better Consumer City
Uber Makes Los Angeles a Better Consumer City
Malibu and the Battle to Open a Whole Foods in Paradise
Malibu and the Battle to Open a Whole Foods in Paradise
The Gary Becker Conference Starts Thursday at UChicago
The Gary Becker Conference Starts Thursday at UChicago
Human Capital as the Basis for Great Organizations: The Case of the Zabar's Deli
Human Capital as the Basis for Great Organizations: The Case of the Zabar's Deli
The Ebola Quarantine and the Coase Theorem and Property Rights
The Ebola Quarantine and the Coase Theorem and Property Rights
Biographies of Johnny Carson and Aerosmith's Joe Perry
Biographies of Johnny Carson and Aerosmith's Joe Perry
Pragmatic Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities
Pragmatic Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities
Human Capital Accumulation and China's Future Economic Growth
Human Capital Accumulation and China's Future Economic Growth
The Return Home
The Return Home
Incorporating Adaptation Into CGE Climate Change Impact Modeling
Incorporating Adaptation Into CGE Climate Change Impact Modeling
A Merger Between Hollywood and Silicon Valley?
A Merger Between Hollywood and Silicon Valley?
Why Does Santa Monica Airport Continue to Exist?
Why Does Santa Monica Airport Continue to Exist?
Optimism about Reduced Deaths from Cyclones in Growing LDCs
Optimism about Reduced Deaths from Cyclones in Growing LDCs
An Optimistic Ecologist
An Optimistic Ecologist
The NY Times Wonders Why Beijing Intellectuals Tend to Oppose the Hong Kong Protests
The NY Times Wonders Why Beijing Intellectuals Tend to Oppose the Hong Kong Protests
The NY Times Mocks Gwyneth Paltrow
The NY Times Mocks Gwyneth Paltrow
Manufacturing Productivity Loss in LDCs Caused by Summer Heat: Don't Forget Human Capital Theory
Manufacturing Productivity Loss in LDCs Caused by Summer Heat: Don't Forget Human Capital Theory
Ebola in Sprawled vs. Compact Cities
Ebola in Sprawled vs. Compact Cities
Can Walkers and Bikers Share NYC's Central Park?
Can Walkers and Bikers Share NYC's Central Park?
Ranking the Graduate Ph.D Econ Class of 1993
Ranking the Graduate Ph.D Econ Class of 1993
How Many UChicago Economists Can You Name in this Photo?
Dr. Krugman Calls Chicago Economists "Outliers"
Dr. Krugman Calls Chicago Economists "Outliers"
Hong Kong Protesters Offer Evidence Supporting the Rational Adaptation Hypothesis
Hong Kong Protesters Offer Evidence Supporting the Rational Adaptation Hypothesis
My Piece in the London Guardian
My Piece in the London Guardian
Los Angeles Blooming in Late September
The Economics of Vacant Lots in Big Cities
The Economics of Vacant Lots in Big Cities
Some Specifics About the Future of Northern California's Water Supply
Some Specifics About the Future of Northern California's Water Supply
4 Minutes of Michigan Radio Time
4 Minutes of Michigan Radio Time
Expensive Housing in Liberal California: Supply or Demand?
Expensive Housing in Liberal California: Supply or Demand?
Climate Refugees?
Climate Refugees?
Geographic Determinism and Urban Adaptation to Climate Change
Geographic Determinism and Urban Adaptation to Climate Change
Cities and the Environment
Cities and the Environment
Professor Stavins' Climate Change Piece in the NY Times Today
Professor Stavins' Climate Change Piece in the NY Times Today
The Lucas Critique Applied to Quantifying Climate Change Impacts
The Lucas Critique Applied to Quantifying Climate Change Impacts
Rust Never Sleeps
Rust Never Sleeps
Teaching Evaluations for Professors
Teaching Evaluations for Professors
LeBron James Visits UCLA
LeBron James Visits UCLA
Ingenuity and Flood Protection
Ingenuity and Flood Protection
Who Loses if Washington DC Faces More Flood Risk in 2050?
Who Loses if Washington DC Faces More Flood Risk in 2050?
How Will Old Ivy League Dorms Adapt to Climate Change?
How Will Old Ivy League Dorms Adapt to Climate Change?
California Sushi Price and Quality Dynamics and Adapting to Drought Through Regional Trade
California Sushi Price and Quality Dynamics and Adapting to Drought Through Regional Trade
A Podcast of My 9/9/14 Cal State Long Beach Univ. Lecture on "Climate Change and Cities"
A Podcast of My 9/9/14 Cal State Long Beach Univ. Lecture on "Climate Change and Cities"
Some Specifics about Urban Heat Wave Adaptation
Some Specifics about Urban Heat Wave Adaptation
Other People's Money and Coastal Defense
Other People's Money and Coastal Defense
What Should Campus Environmentalists Do All Day Long?
What Should Campus Environmentalists Do All Day Long?
Adapting to Heat Waves: The Case of Los Angeles this Weekend
Adapting to Heat Waves: The Case of Los Angeles this Weekend
Casey Mulligan on the Unintended Consequences of the New Health Care Law
Casey Mulligan on the Unintended Consequences of the New Health Care Law
My "Future of Los Angeles" Talk at CSULB Tomorrow
My "Future of Los Angeles" Talk at CSULB Tomorrow
Think Tanks for Sale?
Think Tanks for Sale?
Google Fiber Offers a Test of Say's Law
Google Fiber Offers a Test of Say's Law
My Research and My Books
My Research and My Books
To learn more about my research click here.

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