Why Did Republicans Become Anti-Environmentalists? (or Are they "Private Greens"?)
Mark Thoma and Paul Krugman ask a great question. In this post, I will sketch an answer. You won't be shocked that the answer relates to public goods versus private goods. Republicans are not "anti-environment". They breathe air and many play golf on pretty courses. They boat and they vacation in very nice places. Their homes tend to feature tidy pretty yards. They seek out safe food.
I conjecture that many Republicans seek to maximize their own income and to then spend it on the goods (including environmental services) that they want to buy. They prefer this outcome to giving government a larger % of their income and then delegating a purchase decision to government officials who they do not trust to do their job efficiently.
I conjecture that many Republicans seek to maximize their own income and to then spend it on the goods (including environmental services) that they want to buy. They prefer this outcome to giving government a larger % of their income and then delegating a purchase decision to government officials who they do not trust to do their job efficiently.