The Value of Information Related to the Cost of Climate Change
The NY Times has published a fun "Room for Debate" focused on climate change fiction and the role of such work in shaping public opinion. To say something new here, let's think about this topic through the lens of the modern field experiment literature. I will embrace the essential heterogeneity model.
Suppose that climate change authors could randomly assign their books to adults and that adults were required to read them. Note that this is a typical field experiment research design. The random assignment of books removes concern that readers "self select" what books to read such that a Conservative Republican only watches Fox News. The random assignment of the book means that this selection concern vanishes.
Suppose that Mr J and Mr Q and Ms M are randomly assigned book #3.
Suppose that climate change authors could randomly assign their books to adults and that adults were required to read them. Note that this is a typical field experiment research design. The random assignment of books removes concern that readers "self select" what books to read such that a Conservative Republican only watches Fox News. The random assignment of the book means that this selection concern vanishes.
Suppose that Mr J and Mr Q and Ms M are randomly assigned book #3.