There is a full page ad on the back page of the B-Section of the NY Times today celebrating that NYU's Langone Medical Center is back in business after suffering bad damage caused by Hurricane Sandy in late October 2012.    Note that only 3 months have past.   Hurricane Sandy didn't destroy NYC.

In Spring 2013, I will be teaching a new course at UCLA's Anderson School of Management.  The thousands of students who have taken my classes at Chicago, Columbia, Harvard, Tufts, Stanford and UCLA all know that I'm a distinctive teacher.   If you want a free taste of the goods, go here.

One of the many urban adaptation themes I stressed in my 2010 Climatopolis book was the importance of updating risk maps in coastal cities.

The NY Times has some talented people on payroll.  Brian McFadden creates great cartoons.  Below, I reproduce one from today and critique the substance of his cartoon.   Similar to others at the NY Times, he needs to consult his econ 101 notes.

Twenty years ago today Sgt. Pepper wasn't teaching the band how to play.  Back in January 1993, I was on the job market giving talks at Cornell and Duke.  On February 6th 1993, I gave my Columbia talk and quickly accepted their offer and cancelled my other talks.

If you read the NY Times, you can learn about what Jeff Sachs does on a typical Sunday in Manhattan.

Chicago's Mayor is leading a divestment movement.  He is using his clout to nudge banks not to lend to gun makers and he is nudging institutional investors such as public pension funds to not invest in gun company stocks (for details see this).

I was just sent an email announcing that my UCLA colleagues will be talking about urban adaptation to climate change in a public discussion titled "Should We Just Adapt to Climate Change?"  A leading NY Times blogger (Revkin) will be there but I haven't been invited.

Will we all be replaced by machines?  MIT's economists are writing about Luddites and MSNBC is identifying more jobs where robots will replace humans.  I'm trying to reduce the demand for the real me by recording everything I know for posterity in these YouTube Videos.

I'm listening to Guns N' Roses pondering gender roles.  My wife told me about this new paper by Bertrand, Kamenica, and Pan .  I report their abstract below:

"We examine causes and consequences of relative income within households.

When it rains in Los Angeles, I'm always surprised.  I'm used to perfection here. If it isn't 75 degrees and blue skies, I wonder what in the heck is going on.   I cancelled a lunch with a colleague of mine today because I don't want to sit inside.

Read this piece in the NY Times by Justin Gillis.  The piece is really strong in terms of its discussion of climate science but amazingly weak in terms of its discussion of social science.   He returns to the theme of rising sea levels and what this means for coastal areas.

Today it was 78 degrees and blue skies, so I took 3 eleven year olds to the Santa Monica Beach today to play Nerf football.  Here is a photo I took.  You can see the Malibu coast and the blue ocean and blue sky.

According to the NY Times,  Golf's Phil Mickelson represents a "Laffer Curve" data point.  Anticipating that his marginal tax rate is about to rise, he claims he will play less golf and substitute to leisure.

For those who want to get a sense of what the field of "environmental and urban economics" is about,  here are a series of short videos about the subject and here are all of my Winter 2013 Course Materials.

UPDATE:  I just posted my 30th YouTube video.  So, I'm posting roughly 10 a month.

The National Science Foundation has made a wise investment in UCLA Professor Tom Smith's project focused on promoting natural resource conservation in Central Africa.  I'm a member of this research team and will work hard on this.

Last night I had the opportunity to listen to Eric Garcetti speak about his vision for Los Angeles and why he seeks to be the city's next Mayor.  He is a very impressive man.   I've lived 12 years of my life in Manhattan and 7 years in Los Angeles.  I view LA and NYC as equally great cities.

The U.S Federal Crop Insurance program will be making huge payouts to farmers due to the 2012 drought. Permit me to say something nasty.

Facebook has announced its new search engine and it will seek to garner a large share of Google's market and advertising revenue.  Will Facebook succeed?  The Zuck is making a big deal about "personalized searches" based on your friends' collective wisdom.

Before I talk about Beijing, here is a link to a NY Post article about "sugar daddies" helping undergraduates finance their high tuition bills.

My UCLA colleagues have asked me to give a research seminar on Monday.  While I don't like to function on Mondays, I do have a new paper that I'm excited about talking about.  This December 2012 draft is slightly out of date but it will show you what we are trying to do.

All of my Winter 2013 UCLA environmental economics course material can be freely accessed here.   I don't use a textbook.

Some old friends of mine have just published new books.   Ray Fisman and Tim Sullivan have just published The Org.

The 2013 AEA San Diego meetings are now over.

Today, the economists travel to San Diego for the annual convention.  For those who are interested in what economists actually work on (versus blog about) click here for details.

I just flew from Oakland to LA and this provided me with the opportunity to study the Airport's book rack.  While Dubner and Levitt have been the Kings for a long time, there is a new "kid" on the block and he is UCLA's Jared Diamond.

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