Maybe my mother will appreciate what Mother Jones has to say about her older boy?
To my friends and family in New York City, I suggest you listen to the Doors' Riders on the Storm. As the Big Storm approaches the Northeast, how much damage will it cause? The NY Times discusses the ex-ante precautions that have been taken.
The NY Times reports a story about birds and glass buildings in Toronto. This city has built a large number of glass buildings and birds such as the songbird are flying into them. Millions of such songbirds died due to the impact with the glass.
Rather than attempting to write a bad environmental and urban economics textbook, I have chosen to record a series of five minute youtube videos. Now that I understand how to do this home production, they are all posted here.
This article claims that if the recent nasty U.S drought hadn't taken place that the U.S economy would have grown by 2.4% rather than by the reported 2%. Is this "what if" correct?
I see that the U.S GDP in 2011 was roughly $15.2 Trillion.
I see that the U.S GDP in 2011 was roughly $15.2 Trillion.
I have posted my first youtube video related to environmental economics. It is short and you don't see my face! (That's the good news). The bad news is that I have an outline for 70 more of these videos that I will soon post.
Jennifer Gathright is a talented Harvard undergraduate. I recommend her recent Crimson piece. I like this paragraph;
"This contradiction isn’t our fault—democracy just doesn’t always reward anticipation.
"This contradiction isn’t our fault—democracy just doesn’t always reward anticipation.
I am sitting in Boston's Logan Airport. My 3 days in Cambridge, MA were great. On Friday, I went to dinner with my co-author Denise DiPasquale. While we published our last paper more than 10 years ago, we have agreed to write a new paper on the energy efficiency of multi-family housing.
The NY Times reports that Russ George of California launched his own geoengineering field experiment. His "treatment" was to dump 100 tons of iron dust in the Pacific waters off western Canada.
I am on a slow moving Acela that is creeping from NYC to Boston. This is the last leg of my journey and I will return to LA on Tuesday night. On Monday and Tuesday I will be participating in the Lincoln Institute's Conference that will honor UC Berkeley's John Quigley.
I have returned to the USA and now am sitting at a Starbucks at 85th and Lexington in NYC. Don't look for me here because I'm leaving in 5 minutes. On Monday, I was at Columbia and yesterday I was meeting folks at NYU. New York is a productive place but this is a consumer city.
New UCLA psychology research says "yes we can".
"Female politicians with stereotypically feminine facial features are more likely to be Republican than Democrat, and the correlation increases the more conservative the lawmaker's voting record," said lead author Colleen M.
"Female politicians with stereotypically feminine facial features are more likely to be Republican than Democrat, and the correlation increases the more conservative the lawmaker's voting record," said lead author Colleen M.
Urbanites are more insulated against climate shocks than farmers. Read this for some evidence. Yes, urbanites import food to eat but in a globalized economy, they can import it from thousands of possible places around the world.
A funky Frank Lloyd Wright house may be demolished in Arizona. The owner of the property is free to choose to do what he/she wants with her property.
When you travel to China's cities, most of the city has been recently constructed. If you request it, Western tourists are taken to the "old parts" of the city to see what life used to be like. There you see one and two story buildings and lots of street vendors selling stuff for tourists.
UCLA makes a big deal about sports. I don't support this. Now that I've put my cards on the table, I'm happy to show you this new economics paper. When a university's football team is winning, the dudes stop studying and increase their beer consumption.