Nudists in Munich
Our hotel is a half block from the "Hard Rock Cafe" and a Starbucks. No matter how far you travel, you are still at home! As we walked the hot streets of Center City Munich, we spent some quality time at the Englischer Garten. I can vouch that there are still nudists in this park but everyone that my son and I spotted was a dude! These guys had good tans in places that usually don't see much sunlight. The cool thing about the Englischer Garten is the rapid river in the middle of the park. There were several surfers actively surfacing in this center city park. You won't find such surfers on a river in any U.S city that I know of.
While there are many reasons that I'm excited about going to Singapore on Monday, I must admit that high on my list is the absence of nude dudes.
While there are many reasons that I'm excited about going to Singapore on Monday, I must admit that high on my list is the absence of nude dudes.