Robert Townsend's New Book on Thai TFP Dynamics
Given time constraints, I wouldn't have guessed that I would be interested at all in reading a book about Thai productivity growth but MIT's Robert Townsend has written an impressive new book. For all of you microeconomists who are amazed by the long lived representative agent who lives on in Macro, Townsend's book offers some solid micro foundations featuring household heterogeneity. This book represents a key "micro-macro" bridge.
I bet that all fans of the Roy Model of comparative advantage and self selection into sectors will really like this book.
As discussed in Chapter 6, each worker faces an occupational choice. He can work as an unskilled worker, work for a firm, or start his own firm.
I bet that all fans of the Roy Model of comparative advantage and self selection into sectors will really like this book.
As discussed in Chapter 6, each worker faces an occupational choice. He can work as an unskilled worker, work for a firm, or start his own firm.