Environmental and Urban Economics
Matthew E. Kahn Twitter @mattkahn1966
New NBER Research on Environmental Economics
New NBER Research on Environmental Economics
May 30th
Field Experiments and Free Riding
Field Experiments and Free Riding
May 30th
When Economists Don't Debate
When Economists Don't Debate
May 29th
Beverly Hills vs. Brentwood: Why Are the Celebrities Moving Away from 90210 Towards OJ's Ex-House??
Beverly Hills vs. Brentwood: Why Are the Celebrities Moving Away from 90210 Towards OJ's Ex-House??
May 29th
More on the Race Between Electric Cars and Gasoline Cars
May 29th
Over Investment in Beauty and Slowing Aging's Effects?
Over Investment in Beauty and Slowing Aging's Effects?
May 28th
Buy a Copy of My Final Exam for Only $99.99
Buy a Copy of My Final Exam for Only $99.99
May 26th
My New Climatopolis Interview
My New Climatopolis Interview
May 25th
Endogenous Technological Change and Aging Baby Boomers
Endogenous Technological Change and Aging Baby Boomers
May 23rd
Chicago's Plan to Adapt to Anticipated Climate Change
Chicago's Plan to Adapt to Anticipated Climate Change
May 23rd
How Do Anonymous Political Scientists View Economists?
How Do Anonymous Political Scientists View Economists?
May 21st
Boldrin and Levine Respond to Critics of their "Against Intellectual Monopoly"
Boldrin and Levine Respond to Critics of their "Against Intellectual Monopoly"
May 21st
Leakage in Poverty Aid that Reaches India's Poor
Leakage in Poverty Aid that Reaches India's Poor
May 20th
California Job Growth and our Next "Golden Goose"
California Job Growth and our Next "Golden Goose"
May 20th
Full Disclosure
Full Disclosure
May 17th
Search Costs for "Good Data"
Search Costs for "Good Data"
May 17th
The Future of Environmental Education
The Future of Environmental Education
May 16th
Celebrities Making Sense Without a Teleprompter
Celebrities Making Sense Without a Teleprompter
May 16th
Chicago as a "Consumer City" or No More "Beirut by the Lake"
Chicago as a "Consumer City" or No More "Beirut by the Lake"
May 15th
Nimble Farmers Redux
Nimble Farmers Redux
May 15th
Celebrity Homes for Sale in Los Angeles
Celebrity Homes for Sale in Los Angeles
May 15th
Launching California's Carbon Cap & Trade Program
Launching California's Carbon Cap & Trade Program
May 12th
Pay for Performance? The Case of the University of Texas
Pay for Performance? The Case of the University of Texas
May 11th
Cities, Weather and Death in India
Cities, Weather and Death in India
May 9th
Using "Endogenous Growth" as a Justification for a Government Funded Place Based Subsidy
Using "Endogenous Growth" as a Justification for a Government Funded Place Based Subsidy
May 9th
Electric Vehicles Fill a Void in Japan's Disaster Area
Electric Vehicles Fill a Void in Japan's Disaster Area
May 8th
Understanding Rising Political Polarization on Climate Change
Understanding Rising Political Polarization on Climate Change
May 7th
Community Redevelopment: The Case of Beijing's Neighborhoods
Community Redevelopment: The Case of Beijing's Neighborhoods
May 6th
The Economic Incidence of Cutting University Employee Non-Pay Compensation
The Economic Incidence of Cutting University Employee Non-Pay Compensation
May 4th
Will Climate Change Cause War?
Will Climate Change Cause War?
May 4th
Ranking Cities
Ranking Cities
May 4th
Hair Loss from 2009 to 2011: Evidence from My C-SPAN Videos
Hair Loss from 2009 to 2011: Evidence from My C-SPAN Videos
May 2nd
A 5 Minute Climatopolis Video
A 5 Minute Climatopolis Video
May 2nd
Pick Your Poison
May 2nd
My C-SPAN Video
My C-SPAN Video
May 1st
My Research and My Books
My Research and My Books
To learn more about my research
click here.
To purchase one of my four books,
click here
To learn more about my research<a href="http://mek1966.googlepages.com"> click here.</a> <div><br /></div><div>To purchase one of my four books, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Matthew-E.-Kahn/e/B001JSDZTK">click here</a>. </div>
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About Me
Matthew E. Kahn
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