I want to congratulate my father for his being recognized tonight by NYU for his 50 years of contributions to their great Medical School. My father has spent his whole career there. He is a loyal guy.
REPEC offers monthly rankings of which economists are on the rise versus which are slipping down the vertical quality ladder. While it doesn't count my 3 books, I'm mildly comfortable with my REPEC ranking
here . But, Amazon offers an hourly update of who is "hot" and who is "not".
here . But, Amazon offers an hourly update of who is "hot" and who is "not".
It is hovering over 100 degrees here in Los Angeles. I have not been invited to Malibu to any beach parties to stay cool. How are people coping with the heat? My son's school doesn't have air conditioning but the school is being pro-active to beat the heat.
Wired Magazine and AARP's Magazine report on Climatopolis.
The future of cities in the face of climate change is a midly interesting topic. Climate scientists should share the microphone with micro-economists on this subject.
The future of cities in the face of climate change is a midly interesting topic. Climate scientists should share the microphone with micro-economists on this subject.
Today was my first day of classes for the fall 2010 term. I was actually happy to be teaching again but it was hot outside. 110 Degrees in Los Angeles! People were suffering in the heat.
Some quotes from the BBC News concerning the August 2010 Moscow Heat Wave.
"Those who remain in the city of 10.5m people were being urged to wear face masks if they ventured outdoors, and to hang wet towels indoors to attract dust and cool the airflow.
"Those who remain in the city of 10.5m people were being urged to wear face masks if they ventured outdoors, and to hang wet towels indoors to attract dust and cool the airflow.
Global greenhouse gas emissions keep rising. Yes, the world's poor would enjoy an improvement in their standard of living if climate change does not unfold. Climate change's blows will be less severe if we can restrain our GHG emissions.
Here is a list of history's deadliest natural disasters. The world's population is growing and climate change is likely to increase the quantity and severity of these events.
Climate change will be a world public bad. Paul Samuelson has taught us that our aggregate willingness to pay for a public good is the sum of individual willingness to pay.
Kathleen Martin is a good poet. Below I report her poem. Economists rarely discuss "moral imperatives".
After a week on the east coast, I am returning to my home. My students will see me monday morning and I will be eager to see them. I have two links to share with you. Here is a link that I urge my new friend Joe Romm to read. Andrew Sullivan is an open minded thinker.
The world relies on China to produce cheap exports. While economists celebrate comparative advantage because it makes us richer and able to afford to purchase a broader set of items we want, can we be overly reliant on a trade partner? Japan is learning that the answer is "yes".
Each day this week I am blogging at Volokh Conspiracy about Climatopolis. This is a great chance for me to present my book's main themes. Carbon mitigation and climate change adaptation go hand in hand. They are not substitutes.
In Joe Romm's blog post he has some tough things to say about my book climatopolis. He doesn't bother linking to it in his post so permit me to make a couple of points and to propose a wager.
1. Dr.
1. Dr.
In a comment posted at the bottom of this review of Climatopolis, I found this remark by "d.h. strongheart
of santa fe, nm posted on September 1st, 2010. Here I reprint the remark and reply below.
of santa fe, nm posted on September 1st, 2010. Here I reprint the remark and reply below.
The Recent Egg Recall List got me thinking about the quality of our food supply.
The power of video games as a climate change adaptation tool is a brand new idea for me. But, if this game makes future scary scenarios more salient and helps teenagers to focus on it --- then I like it.
Decorum may not be my middle name. Maybe when I turn age 50, I will become a more dignified Professor but for now I am what I am .
Read through the comments of this Grist Interview and you will meet some people who do not respect the dark art called neoclassical economics.
My esteemed colleague Jared Diamond's book sales will not Collapse. Here is an interview with him. I agree with 49% of what he has to say.
My esteemed colleague Jared Diamond's book sales will not Collapse. Here is an interview with him. I agree with 49% of what he has to say.
I hope readers find this Climatopolis Interview to be some combination of; A. Informative, B. Amusing, C. Disturbing.
Stanford Univ. welcomes its 2014 class. The 2nd paragraph is amusing.
"The campus welcomed 1,675 freshmen from 49 states and 54 countries. More than one-third of the class of 2014 is from California, but it also includes students from Kazakhstan, Thailand and Swaziland.
"The campus welcomed 1,675 freshmen from 49 states and 54 countries. More than one-third of the class of 2014 is from California, but it also includes students from Kazakhstan, Thailand and Swaziland.
Ed Glaeser has written a terrific piece about CEA Chair Austan Goolsbee's significant contributions to economic research . After being reminded about all that Austan has achieved up to this point, there is clearly an opportunity cost for him to not be at Chicago GSB right now.
This saturday, I'm hoping that the Los Angeles Times will be running a piece in its Science Section about Climatopolis. On tuesday night 9/21, I will speaking at Hamilton College about the book, and on wednesday 9/22, I will be speaking at the World Bank in Washington DC about the book.
Chattanooga, Tennessee is running an interesting experiment . By the end of this year, its residents and firms will be able to opt into accessing an extremely high speed (1 gig per second) Internet access. This is a specific place based treatment.
Now, this is serious research. My son always thinks that I'm related to Howard Hughes with my fear of germs as I give him the business to stop touching everything. But, this article vindicates my low trust worldview. Everything is gross.
Do you remember this Star Trek episode (titled "Return to Tomorrow"). Captain Kirk and "The landing party find themselves in a vault, and encounter a glowing sphere that identifies itself as Sargon.
Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus are on a roll as they offer a populist critique of the "fat" modern research university. Part of writing a good book is timing. Their timing is good.
Environmentalists have mixed feelings about natural gas. It is a fossil fuel but its greenhouse gas emissions are 50% lower than coal and this is why California's electric utilities are relatively "green".
Now that I've retired from active research, it makes perfect sense for me to be in a museum. I'm looking forward to this AB 32 event . UC Berkeley's David Zilberman has arranged a great conference.
I am a graduate of Virgina Tech's Summer Sports Camp. I'm proud to see that their nerds are planning for our future. The sustainable home they have designed looks original.
I just had the opportunity to do a radio interview with Patt Morrison. I like her saturday LA Times interviews.
I just had the opportunity to do a radio interview with Patt Morrison. I like her saturday LA Times interviews.
Today, the New York Times has published a long piece on the microeconomics of activist industrial policy in China. According to the NY Times, using subsidized loans and free land provided by government, chinese firms are "taking over" this exciting new growing industry.