Economic Growth and the Environment Redux
Economic Growth and the Environment Redux
The Chilling Effects of Recessions: Battling Climate Change During Bad Times
The Chilling Effects of Recessions: Battling Climate Change During Bad Times
My Interview with The American Prospect on California's AB32 Anti-Greenhouse Gas Legislation
My Interview with The American Prospect on California's AB32 Anti-Greenhouse Gas Legislation
Not Your Typical Youtube Video: Lars Hansen Discusses the Future of Macro
Not Your Typical Youtube Video: Lars Hansen Discusses the Future of Macro
Is Urban Air Pollution in China Rising?
Is Urban Air Pollution in China Rising?
Mr. Spock Studied Photography at UCLA
Mr. Spock Studied Photography at UCLA
Green Innovation and Complementarities: The Case of Wind Power and Batteries
Green Innovation and Complementarities: The Case of Wind Power and Batteries
A Comment on the $320,000 Kindergarten Teacher
A Comment on the $320,000 Kindergarten Teacher
Innovative Financing for "Energy Efficient" New Products Such as Electric Cars Will Increase Demand
Innovative Financing for "Energy Efficient" New Products Such as Electric Cars Will Increase Demand
A Climate Economics Event at Stanford on 9/7/2010
A Climate Economics Event at Stanford on 9/7/2010
Why Did Climate Change Mitigation Become a "Wedge" Issue Between Republicans and Democrats?
Why Did Climate Change Mitigation Become a "Wedge" Issue Between Republicans and Democrats?
Why Hasn't President Obama Gone Beyond "Merely" Nudging the Green Economy?
A Self-Selected Canadian Census and Social Capital in the U.S Senate
A Self-Selected Canadian Census and Social Capital in the U.S Senate
Cap and Fade: The Death of the Federal Carbon Bill
Cap and Fade: The Death of the Federal Carbon Bill
Oakland Invests in the "Green" Economy: Cheech and Chong Would Approve!
Oakland Invests in the "Green" Economy: Cheech and Chong Would Approve!
Marmots Like Climate Change
Marmots Like Climate Change
Some News Links
Some News Links
Google Data Centers Co-Locate Near Wind Farms: The New Peanut Butter and Jelly Combo
Google Data Centers Co-Locate Near Wind Farms: The New Peanut Butter and Jelly Combo
Estimating Demand Curves Using Senior Citizen Discounts: A Regression Discontinuity Design
Estimating Demand Curves Using Senior Citizen Discounts: A Regression Discontinuity Design
How Do Los Angeles Residents Cope With Heat Waves?
How Do Los Angeles Residents Cope With Heat Waves?
The Climate Policy Wars: Round 15
The Climate Policy Wars: Round 15
Knights Apparel Offers a Test of Both the Efficiency Wage Hypothesis and the CSR Price Premium Hypothesis: Can "Nice" Capitalist Firms Prosper?
Knights Apparel Offers a Test of Both the Efficiency Wage Hypothesis and the CSR Price Premium Hypothesis: Can "Nice" Capitalist Firms Prosper?
The Journal of American History is My New Favorite Journal
The Journal of American History is My New Favorite Journal
The "Stone Cold" Economics of Professional Wrestling
The "Stone Cold" Economics of Professional Wrestling
UCLA "Mind Reading" Research: Neuroscientists at Work on the Future Demand for Sunscreen
UCLA "Mind Reading" Research: Neuroscientists at Work on the Future Demand for Sunscreen
Do You Live in a "Green" Zipcode?
Do You Live in a "Green" Zipcode?
David Brooks on the Multi-Dimensions of Skill and Pinpointing What is our "Engine of Growth"
David Brooks on the Multi-Dimensions of Skill and Pinpointing What is our "Engine of Growth"
Declining U.S Real Estate Prices Attract International Buyers
Declining U.S Real Estate Prices Attract International Buyers
An Inside Look at Teenagers' Parties in Hancock Park, Los Angeles
An Inside Look at Teenagers' Parties in Hancock Park, Los Angeles
Nudging Tenured Faculty to Retire Early
Nudging Tenured Faculty to Retire Early
My Own Blurb About My Forthcoming Climatopolis
My Own Blurb About My Forthcoming Climatopolis
What Salary Would Entice You to Play with the Miami Heat Now? A Test of Compensating Differentials Theory
What Salary Would Entice You to Play with the Miami Heat Now? A Test of Compensating Differentials Theory
Why is the U.S Department of Energy so Energy Inefficient?
Why is the U.S Department of Energy so Energy Inefficient?
Are Economists Good at Business?
Are Economists Good at Business?
75 Degrees Today and Blue Skies in Westwood, Los Angeles
75 Degrees Today and Blue Skies in Westwood, Los Angeles
China's Growth is Making the Carbon Fat Tail Fatter
China's Growth is Making the Carbon Fat Tail Fatter
Seize the Day: Your Mother's Role in the Modern Urban Marriage Market
Seize the Day: Your Mother's Role in the Modern Urban Marriage Market
Creating Value Added in a Capitalist Economy: A Case Study of the Rock Band "Kiss"
Creating Value Added in a Capitalist Economy: A Case Study of the Rock Band "Kiss"
Marty Weitzman's NBER Environmental Economics Paper on Climate Change's Possible Blows to our Quality of Life
Marty Weitzman's NBER Environmental Economics Paper on Climate Change's Possible Blows to our Quality of Life
New UCLA Research Takes a Long Run View on the Tragedy of the Commons
New UCLA Research Takes a Long Run View on the Tragedy of the Commons
The Simple Economics of PACE Financing for Green Homes: The Challenge of Recessions
The Simple Economics of PACE Financing for Green Homes: The Challenge of Recessions
My Research and My Books
My Research and My Books
To learn more about my research click here.

To purchase one of my four books, click here.
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