Jeffrey Miron's Dictionary Entry on Global Warming
Sandwiched between "gays in the military" and "gold standard and fiat money", I find the entry for "global warming" in Jeffrey Miron's new book Libertarianism from A to Z . (Full disclosure --- Basic Books published this book and they will publish my book this fall).
I will paraphrase his entry and then discuss;
1. Debate will continue about the underlying science of global warming.
2. There are benefits caused by global warming.
3. There are pre-existing government distortions that encourage the use of fossil fuels so we should consider getting rid of these "unlevel playing field policies" before we introduce new policies (i.e carbon tax).
I will paraphrase his entry and then discuss;
1. Debate will continue about the underlying science of global warming.
2. There are benefits caused by global warming.
3. There are pre-existing government distortions that encourage the use of fossil fuels so we should consider getting rid of these "unlevel playing field policies" before we introduce new policies (i.e carbon tax).