Now that I know that I won't be named to be Chair of the Federal Reserve Bank nor will I be named as the Head Coach of the Oakland Raiders, I have decided to teach
this one week course at the UCSB Bren School. I go tomorrow night and monday I will meet my 50 students. I haven't taught for several weeks now and I may be rusty but I'm looking forward to this.
Given that the University of California has 10 campuses, I think that the faculty should be allowed to freely roam across the sister campuses. I could start the week in LA, then migrate to UCSB give a lecture and have lunch with friends, and then meet some cool people at UCSC before having a power dinner at UC Berkeley and finish the week at UC Davis and the Sacramento Air Resources Board before flying back to LA.
Returning to my short run job at UCSB, this short course will allow me to launch some trial balloons related to my new book. There is still time to improve this book and I'm eager to see if these smart Masters students find the material to be interesting and thought provoking.
As promised from a few days ago, here is a great letter to the editor published
by Matthew Duggan. he should be our Mayor.
A mellow mayor
Re “Villaraigosa’s personal life is ‘at a great place,’ ” Jan. 17
Thank you for the informative and heartwarming article chronicling Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's home and social life.
All this time I have been worried about failing schools and the irresponsible manner in which our elected officials waste tax money. This "news" about the mayor makes it clear to me that my priorities are backward.
Please do not report on how the mayor plans on doing anything that may benefit Angelenos. As long as I know he is losing weight and his social life is on the mend, I will be content.
Matthew Duggan
Long Beach
Copyright © 2010, The Los Angeles Times
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