Green Vocational Training in Future California High Schools?
Green Vocational Training in Future California High Schools?
Predictions for 2010
Predictions for 2010
Proof that There are Free $20 Bills on the Ground
Proof that There are Free $20 Bills on the Ground
My Interview Published in the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland's New "Forefront" Magazine
My Interview Published in the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland's New "Forefront" Magazine
Climate Change Research Cash (but Not for Clunkers)
Climate Change Research Cash (but Not for Clunkers)
"Proof" that California has a Bright Future
What Happens Next If Copenhagen Flunks?
What Happens Next If Copenhagen Flunks?
The Transition to Smart Meters as a Test of our Love for the Status Quo
The Transition to Smart Meters as a Test of our Love for the Status Quo
Environmentalism Embraced at an Early Age
Environmentalism Embraced at an Early Age
Vin Diesel Just Jogged by My House
Vin Diesel Just Jogged by My House
Can Economic Analysis Inform the Carbon Mitigation Policy Debate?
Can Economic Analysis Inform the Carbon Mitigation Policy Debate?
Unexpected Costs of Geothermal Power and the Art of Seduction
Unexpected Costs of Geothermal Power and the Art of Seduction
Not Cool! Facebook Doesn't Lie About One's Past
Six Members of the British Parliament Visit the UCLA Institute of the Environment
Tiger Woods Offers Economists a Test of Our Theory of Labor Supply
Tiger Woods Offers Economists a Test of Our Theory of Labor Supply
Copenhagen and International Carbon Politics
Copenhagen and International Carbon Politics
The End of the Era of Academic Free Agency?
The End of the Era of Academic Free Agency?
Coda Automotive Visits UCLA's Institute of the Environment
The Return of a Minor League Blogger
The Return of a Minor League Blogger
Is Time Passing Too Quickly?
Is Time Passing Too Quickly?
Tyler Cowen on China and Transparency
Tyler Cowen on China and Transparency
Credible Foreign Policy and Basic Game Theory: The Cases of Israel and Honduras
Credible Foreign Policy and Basic Game Theory: The Cases of Israel and Honduras
The U.S Carbon Legislation: "Demonstrate Resolve"
The U.S Carbon Legislation: "Demonstrate Resolve"
The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times Need to Study Algebra Again
The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times Need to Study Algebra Again
We Are All Keynesians Now
We Are All Keynesians Now
Green Buildings Conference at UC Berkeley Next Week
Green Buildings Conference at UC Berkeley Next Week
The Life and Death of Turkeys
The Life and Death of Turkeys
Green Harvard Battles Allston Rats
Green Harvard Battles Allston Rats
UCLA Expertise on Climate Change
UCLA Expertise on Climate Change
Economics Humor
Economics Humor
The Environmental Consequences of Long Lived Durable Capital
The Environmental Consequences of Long Lived Durable Capital
New Research on the Role of "Good Schools" Causing a Reduction in the Propensity to Commit Crime
New Research on the Role of "Good Schools" Causing a Reduction in the Propensity to Commit Crime
Academic Macro Economics Just Keeps Getting Trickier
Academic Macro Economics Just Keeps Getting Trickier
Leading Indicators of West LA's Economic Recovery
How Do You Grow Your Own Miniature David Brooks?
How Do You Grow Your Own Miniature David Brooks?
National Commitments to CO2 Targets: First Mover Advantage Due To Thermal Underwear
National Commitments to CO2 Targets: First Mover Advantage Due To Thermal Underwear
UCLA Pollution Research Bolsters the Case for Closing Santa Monica Airport
UCLA Pollution Research Bolsters the Case for Closing Santa Monica Airport
Cash for Caulkers Redux and Anticipating Behavioral Responses to the Embedded Incentives
Cash for Caulkers Redux and Anticipating Behavioral Responses to the Embedded Incentives
Some Thoughts on Cash for Caulkers
Some Thoughts on Cash for Caulkers
Productive Furlough Days
Productive Furlough Days
New Intellectual Property Created at UCLA
New Intellectual Property Created at UCLA
The Consequences of Smoking Bans at Columbia University: Another Test of the Pollution Havens Hypothesis?
The Consequences of Smoking Bans at Columbia University: Another Test of the Pollution Havens Hypothesis?
Famous for Robbing the Famous: Rent Seeking in the Modern Los Angeles Economy
Famous for Robbing the Famous: Rent Seeking in the Modern Los Angeles Economy
Ambient Lead Pollution in China
Ambient Lead Pollution in China
This Week's Lexington Column in The Economist
This Week's Lexington Column in The Economist
Can Economists Learn from Tao's Example? Will Academic Economics Become Open Source?
Can Economists Learn from Tao's Example? Will Academic Economics Become Open Source?
Measuring the Output of Economists
The New York Post is a Leading Academic Source for Ideas and Quotes
The New York Post is a Leading Academic Source for Ideas and Quotes
My Father Wins a NYU Teaching Award
My Father Wins a NYU Teaching Award
Evan Smith Reinvents Texas News Coverage
Evan Smith Reinvents Texas News Coverage
Good Luck in the Big City
Good Luck in the Big City
The "Treatment Effect" of Doctors
The "Treatment Effect" of Doctors
Ken Caldeira's Congressional Testimony on Geoengineering
Ken Caldeira's Congressional Testimony on Geoengineering
Is Brooklyn a "Green City"? New Cement Production in Red Hook
Is Brooklyn a "Green City"? New Cement Production in Red Hook
The Good Life: A Harvard Case Study
The Good Life: A Harvard Case Study
Cost Overuns and the Denver Rail System
Cost Overuns and the Denver Rail System
Will LeBron James Move to the Knicks? A Test of Whether the Internet Substitutes for Big Cities
Will LeBron James Move to the Knicks? A Test of Whether the Internet Substitutes for Big Cities
Take Your Son to Work Day
Some Thoughts on the Superfreakonomics Carbon Controversy
Some Thoughts on the Superfreakonomics Carbon Controversy
How Do You Generate Demand for a Home Priced at Over $10 Million?
How Do You Generate Demand for a Home Priced at Over $10 Million?
The City/Suburban Carbon Footprint Differential and the Implicit Subsidies in the Tax Code: How Do OP-ED Readers Respond to Economic Logic?
The City/Suburban Carbon Footprint Differential and the Implicit Subsidies in the Tax Code: How Do OP-ED Readers Respond to Economic Logic?
An Arbitrage Opportunity?
An Arbitrage Opportunity?
Are You Funnier than the Late Night Comics? The Case of Climate Change's Impacts
Carbon Pricing Will Help Warren Buffett Get Rich From Investing in Railroads
Carbon Pricing Will Help Warren Buffett Get Rich From Investing in Railroads
My New Favorite Journal: Reviews in History
My New Favorite Journal: Reviews in History
Geoengineering's Debutante Ball
Geoengineering's Debutante Ball
Another New York City to Los Angeles Convert
Another New York City to Los Angeles Convert
A Case Study for Elinor Ostrom's 2009 Nobel Speech?
A Case Study for Elinor Ostrom's 2009 Nobel Speech?
Stanford University's Carbon Footprint: Is Golf Causing Climate Change?
Stanford University's Carbon Footprint: Is Golf Causing Climate Change?
The Future of Research Economics
The Future of Research Economics
What are Economists Good For?
What are Economists Good For?
My First History Publication
My First History Publication
New York State Confronts The Energy Suppy/Natural Capital Protection Tradeoff
New York State Confronts The Energy Suppy/Natural Capital Protection Tradeoff
Ed Glaeser's Tribute to John Meyer
Ed Glaeser's Tribute to John Meyer
A "Natural Experiment" on Local Human Capital Spillovers at Columbia University?
A "Natural Experiment" on Local Human Capital Spillovers at Columbia University?
What Do Other Academics Do All Day?
What Do Other Academics Do All Day?
The Future of Macro?
The Future of Macro?
My Carbon Debate on Japanese National NHK TV
My Carbon Debate on Japanese National NHK TV
Job Opening at UCLA's Institute of the Environment: Asst. Prof Focused on "Energy and the Environment"
Job Opening at UCLA's Institute of the Environment: Asst. Prof Focused on "Energy and the Environment"
My Debut in a Chinese Newspaper
My Debut in a Chinese Newspaper
Trust and Kidney Exchange at UCLA
Trust and Kidney Exchange at UCLA
Is Public Support for Tackling Global Warming Cooling?
Could Public Transit Soon Become Even Slower Relative to Car Trips?
Could Public Transit Soon Become Even Slower Relative to Car Trips?
John Meyer
John Meyer
Should the National Science Foundation Fund Social Science Research?
The Fiscal Impact of California's AB 32
The Fiscal Impact of California's AB 32
Geoengineering and the Economics of Climate Change
Geoengineering and the Economics of Climate Change
Beijing Air Pollution Dynamics and the Environmental Kuznets Curve
Beijing Air Pollution Dynamics and the Environmental Kuznets Curve
Santa Monica Embraces Smart Public Policy!
Santa Monica Embraces Smart Public Policy!
$ 10,000 Per Square Foot in a Nice Tower in Hong Kong
$ 10,000 Per Square Foot in a Nice Tower in Hong Kong
The Traffic Congestion/Air Pollution Nexus: Reduce Infant Mortality By Introducing the EZ Pass
The Traffic Congestion/Air Pollution Nexus: Reduce Infant Mortality By Introducing the EZ Pass
Do You Want to Buy Nicholas Cage's Home?
Do You Want to Buy Nicholas Cage's Home?
Smarter Cities: New Datasets Generated by City Governments and the Nerds Who Love Them
Smarter Cities: New Datasets Generated by City Governments and the Nerds Who Love Them
Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys Doesn't Recognize Me at Little Holmby Park
Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys Doesn't Recognize Me at Little Holmby Park
The Year 2036 Offers a Test of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis
The Year 2036 Offers a Test of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis
The Carbon Footprint of Pets
UCI/UCLA/USC First Real Estate Research Day
UCI/UCLA/USC First Real Estate Research Day
Smart Buildings will Shrink Our Carbon Footprint
Smart Buildings will Shrink Our Carbon Footprint
Do Charter Cities Cause Increased Investment in Skill Formation?
Do Charter Cities Cause Increased Investment in Skill Formation?
The "Green" Consequences of Introducing the Plug-In Prius by 2012
The "Green" Consequences of Introducing the Plug-In Prius by 2012
My Research and My Books
My Research and My Books
To learn more about my research click here.

To purchase one of my four books, click here.
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