Tyler Cowen on China and Transparency
This NY Times piece has some interesting ideas. Environmental scholars have wondered about the quality of the aggregate carbon dioxide statistics that China generates. Do we really know how many tons of carbon this big nation produces each year? In terms of data quality, is this the tip of the iceberg? Tyler sketches some ugly possible future scenarios concerning China's economic dynamics
After spending two weeks in Beijing in September 2009, I can offer a few observations.
1. China's leading universities are producing 100,000s of talented ambitious young graduates. Now that the young faculty have been trained at Western Universities, this new cohort is getting a serious education. (I cannot judge the quality of the education in the 1980s in China's universities).
After spending two weeks in Beijing in September 2009, I can offer a few observations.
1. China's leading universities are producing 100,000s of talented ambitious young graduates. Now that the young faculty have been trained at Western Universities, this new cohort is getting a serious education. (I cannot judge the quality of the education in the 1980s in China's universities).