As an underachiever from the Scarsdale Class of 1984, this new Stanford research by a professor named Minter-Hoxby caught my eye. Charter Schools appear to have a serious Treatment Effect.
Will Larry Summers comment on the mutual benefits of this globalization? Here is direct evidence of the pollution haven effect at work. As Europe ratches up its pollution regulation, waste is now being exported to poorer nations.
There are no direct flights from Los Angeles to Lexington, Kentucky. Next thursday, I will have the pleasure of flying through Houston as I try to get to Lexington. I will be participating in this conference on friday 10/2.
I am greatly looking forward to this event.
I am greatly looking forward to this event.
Do we have good estimates of the costs of the flu? This article highlights the costs that Stanford Seniors have suffered.
To reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, we need per-capita emissions to decline faster than population grows.
This is an interesting article about how land is being re-allocated in major U.S cities. Even I notice the urban heat island effect created by pavement.
The New York Times should consider allowing its readers to do the writing on climate issues. These comments are worth reading.
UCLA's faculty have not been that happy about our unexpected paycut. My wife and I have suffered a combined paycut larger that the Chancellor's (but smaller than the basketball coach).
I can barely remember my Hamilton College days. Somehow the mid-1980s are a blur. Perhaps graduate school erased my hard disk. But, this letter that I quote from below makes me proud. The President of Hamilton College is not a Ph.D.
This recent UC Alumni Magazine article is worth skimming. The author appears to want to sketch a long run intellectual history of the rise and fall of the Chicago School of Economics.
The article quotes the usual suspects. All are Superstar economists and I enjoyed reading their quotes.
The article quotes the usual suspects. All are Superstar economists and I enjoyed reading their quotes.
After two great weeks in Beijing, I have returned to LA. While I couldn't access my blog or anyone else's blog while in China, I was able to post some insights about China at my Planetizen blog . I learned a heck of lot about Beijing and China.
As a Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman has earned the right to state his views on the state of macroeconomics. I wish that the New York Times had allowed a couple of the University of Chicago scholars, (Lucas, Cochrane, Fama, Mulligan) who are mentioned in the piece, the opportunity to respond.