Urbanization and Reforestation
Around the world, people are moving to cities. The U.S historical experience shows that an environmental benefit of moving people from the countryside to the cities is that the rural trees grow back. See Alex Pfaff's nice work on this point.
The Times as Rogue Sociologist
In this Internet age the New York Times is trying to seek out its profit niche. This article on Dating Wall Street Dudes was interesting. Bloggers can't compete with this stuff.
NAFTA and Vehicle Pollution
Have you ever read a newspaper article and this shifted your research agenda? I must admit that this happened to me after I read this piece.
Crowded Off the News by the Birth of Octuplets
I boasted to my students today that I would be interviewed by Reuters TV concerning President Obama's Green Jobs plans. I had even created a list of cogent points that I spent 15 minutes in class today talking about. But, as usual, my opportunity past.
The "Confidence" Production Function
I know how to make a cup of coffee. I know how to make a decent economics lecture. I don't know how to produce a unit of "confidence". The micro-econometrics literature has emphasized the importance of accounting for heterogeneity.
Are Drug Companies Major Polluters in LDCs? The Case of India's Water
Drug companies have always been accused of price gouging. Now , the Associated Press is making the case that drug manufacturing and the disposal of unused drugs is a major cause of water pollution in the USA and in the developing world.
Climate Change Policy and the Modern News Media
We know that consumers maximize utility and firms maximize profits.
Mary Nichols' Editorial on Climate Change Policy
In Sacramento yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend a group lunch with Mary Nichols. Mary was the Director of UCLA's Institute of the Environment when I joined the UCLA faculty in January 2007.
"Green" Energy Regulation Mandates and their Consequences
In the quest to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, states such as California are passing regulations encouraging the adoption of Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) and low carbon fuel standards.
Three Cheers for Slate Magazine
As we hope you know, Dora and I are trying to sell our new book "Heroes and Cowards". We recognize that you need to make your own luck. Our book examines social economics from a micro perspective.
Celebrity Real Estate Pricing
Some famous people live in Los Angeles. I may not be one of them but I know where they live and how much they want you to pay to live in their homes.
Switching gears, I thought that this was a fascinating NY Times article.
UCLA Efforts on "Green Cars"
cool stuff on UCLA research on green cars.
My New favorite newspaper.
Paul Krugman Names Names
When doctors disagree about a diagnosis and what cure to prescribe, another doctor is called is in for a 2nd or 3rd opinion.
New Uses for Your Kids
The New York Times today has 2 articles arguing that your kids help you to have a more productive career. On the front page is a long article highlighting how some ambitious academics are volunteering their own kids to participate in fMRI brain scans.
Al Capone's Obituary Shows You What You Can Accomplish in 48 Years of Life
Chicago produces great gangsters and great economists. There must be something in that Lake Michigan water. Some lessons can be learned from Al Capone's career arc. The New York Times was less politically correct in 1947. I will let you find out what I mean..
These are tough days now in 2009.
Job Creation
Rather than putting money in bottles and burying them below my Westwood house, I have unintentionally been pursuing another Keynesian approach for creating jobs in this tepid economy. Dora and I had ordered an outdoor gate to be installed on both sides of our house.
The Complete Set of Costa/Kahn Blog Posts on the Civil War
All good things come to an end. To her surprise, Dora enjoyed being a part-time blogger. It appears to me that women are under-represented in the blog writing and reading world.
Natural Capital Can Defeat Physical Capital
Maybe I do miss New York City. This flock of angry birds tried to cause a disaster. I hope that New York City's underemployed lawyers will consider suing them. It is an amazing story at a time when we need some good news.
Is Tampa, Florida a Green City?
Feces-throwing monkey on the loose in Tampa Bay
Associated Press
CLEARWATER, Fla. – Wildlife officials said a rhesus monkey known to throw feces when mad is on the loose in Tampa Bay.
A Delicate Transition
Washington DC is far away from Berkeley, California. Dr. Steven Chu is obviously a very smart Nobel Laureate and has taken a step towards the middle of the political distribution.
The Top 16 Civil War Books: and we rank 14th
You need good eyesight to see this but 14th isn't bad. I believe that I was the 14th best student in my graduating phd class from a certain pro-keynes midwestern school where it never snows and the faculty often have long office hours.
More UCLA Research: A Press Release on a Book I Have Read
It is 85 degrees here today and my students were yawning at me in class. I guess that I'm boring. Yesterday UCLA sent a talented photographer to take some pictures of my co-author and I. If you need a laugh, click here for an "action" photo. The truth hurts but Dora looks good.
The Wall Street Journal Takes a Break from Madoff and Financial Crisis
I guess it is fair for a historian to review our book; Wall Street Journal Review of Heroes and Cowards .
Are We All Keynesians Now?
Here is Gary Becker's Subtle Post offering some old school Chicago pushback against the fashionable young keynesians. Greg Mankiw also had a nice piece in the New York Times business section today. I must admit that Los Angeles is far from Washington DC.
Diversity and Immigrant School Choice
Immigrants have voted with their feet that they like this country's total package of opportunities and lifestyle relative to their nation of origin. Once here, this diverse group differs with respect to whether they want to fully assimilate.