Does anyone know what is the date when the Swedes choose the new Nobel Laureate in Economics? The actual winners will be announced in about 2 weeks. The recent market turmoil raises the likelihood that Richard Thaler and Robert Shiller will share the Nobel.

Rob Shimer raises a number of key points in his post . I have a dumb question.

Congress cares about what the voters want. The median voter is a home owner. Home owners want their key asset to go up in price. Chris Mayer proposes a solution to reduce defaults and prop up home prices. He wants to lower interest rates down to their historical spread.

Everyone loves rankings. But a B-? UCLA's Green Report Card What are these guys smoking?

If I had to objectively discuss whether UCLA is green or not, I'd make the following points;

1. The campus is beautiful. So we are green on aesthetics.

Each day UCLA emails me a news blast highlighting important new work by UCLA faculty. Below I report one that examines whether a Los Angeles police effort has reduced crime.

In today's New York Times, there were some subtle ideas in this "H" section on the environment and business. Today, I learned about the existence of the New York Times "Green Blog" .

Obama has lost votes in some parts of the country because he has been tagged as an ivy league elitist. Yet, there is a flip side to this point.

Who says that UCLA is about sunshine and basketball? Below, I report some serious research and I didn't even do it! Forgot Iraqi Bond prices, if you want to know whether the surge works turn to the Satelites.

Along the Venice Canals in West LA, Dora and I toured a $2 million dollar home on a 2,000 square foot lot. That's not a lot of land my friends. With such expensive land, how do people respond? You can't build up due to building codes.

Economists like data and numbers. California's Air Resources Board is now offering some firm predictions concerning the benefits to our state's economy from enacting AB32. I hope they are right but are they right? More AB 32 Economics .

After reading this piece, I'm wondering if my students would learn more economics if I cancel class and send them to a Hollywood movie where the bald star economist offers witty insights about our economy.

I'm guessing that not everybody out there has read my paper on Employment Sprawl . Our paper did not discuss employment sprawl in developing nations and this would appear to be a good topic for future research.

What is Important news? You can't deny that this ranks right up there with the Mao/Nixon Summit? They are a cute couple.

September should be a productive month for UCLA researchers. We aren't teaching for another week. Perhaps, the 59-0 loss to the mighty BYU in football has everyone off kilter.

I see that Roland Fryer is bringing a Keynesian helicopter drop of cash to Chicago public schools. Roland Fryer's treatment rolls out to Chicago . I'm thinking of enrolling my son to help us pay for a our Los Angeles house.

The New York Times Magazine is picking winners. They profile Peter Mandelstam as a visionary who will help to green our energy supply by building wind turbines off shore.

The University of Chicago appears to be having a debate about ideas and influence.

Yes, they are all dudes. But that's not an "A" answer. They all claim to have read the new costa/kahn book. If you don't believe me, go Heroes and Cowards . Book endorsements are funny things. The endorser earns immortality for a book he didn't write. I really like their quotes.

Thomas Friedman is no Milton Friedman. David Victor writes a sophisticated review of TF's new book in yesterday's new york times. Thomas has had a good life running around the world pontificating. He should enter a graduate program in public policy, graduate and then start to write for the Times.

Columbia University is a wild place. I mean that in a nice way. I taught there for several years and I always try to keep up on the gossip going on there. There is always something funny happening at that School. If you need some evidence, take a look at this: Xavier's Conservative Suit .

The house we bought in Westwood has a white roof. Today I learned that I'm serving the public good by accident. Buildings with white roofs cut energy consumption by 20% (see below).

We know that particulate matter in the air is deadly stuff. It increases death rates in the U.S and around the world. We know that it lowers home prices nearby. We know that older trucks produce high levels of this stuff.

UCLA's Anderson Forecast has predicted that we will not enter a recession. Some home prices in Los Angeles continue to be ambitiously prices. Permit me to offer two examples.

What share of U.S voters would like to see Sarah Palin become President? My guess is that the answer is less than 3%.

This friday, my family and I will return to UCLA for the start of the new school year. While California's state budget deficit has me a pinch worried that Dora and I may earn the minimum wage for a few months, I can't say that I have much to complain about.

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