Can You Learn About Your Parents from the Internet?
Can You Learn About Your Parents from the Internet?
James Bond is Shaken and Stirred in a NYC Lawsuit
James Bond is Shaken and Stirred in a NYC Lawsuit
Green Homes: A Short Debate on Life-Cycle Analysis
Green Homes: A Short Debate on Life-Cycle Analysis
EBAY and the Deadweight Loss from Christmas
EBAY and the Deadweight Loss from Christmas
Do you Read the Berkeley Daily Planet?
Do you Read the Berkeley Daily Planet?
Do Greens Drive Hummers?
Do Greens Drive Hummers?
Revitalizing Downtown Berkeley
Revitalizing Downtown Berkeley
Vacation in Berkeley
Vacation in Berkeley
Shifting Racial and Ethnic Demographics at Los Angeles Public High Schools from 1980 to 2006: Implications for Sports Teams and the Median Consumer
Shifting Racial and Ethnic Demographics at Los Angeles Public High Schools from 1980 to 2006: Implications for Sports Teams and the Median Consumer
Harvard as a Brand Name: Would JFK Support this Change?
Harvard as a Brand Name: Would JFK Support this Change?
Surviving POW Camps
Surviving POW Camps
Greenhouse Gases Versus Nuclear Power Risk in Suburban NYC: Pick Your Poison
Greenhouse Gases Versus Nuclear Power Risk in Suburban NYC: Pick Your Poison
Opponents of L.A Road Pricing Speak Up
Opponents of L.A Road Pricing Speak Up
The End of Greenhouse Gas "Free-Riding"?
The End of Greenhouse Gas "Free-Riding"?
New Yorkers Defend Pigeons at City Hall
New Yorkers Defend Pigeons at City Hall
Negative Externalities Caused by Trade: The Case of Chicken Fat
Negative Externalities Caused by Trade: The Case of Chicken Fat
Reference Points and Climate
Reference Points and Climate
Toliet to the Tap? Increasing the Western Water Supply Through Technological Advance
Toliet to the Tap? Increasing the Western Water Supply Through Technological Advance
Why is Chicago Pursuing a "Green" Alley Pavement Program?
Why is Chicago Pursuing a "Green" Alley Pavement Program?
Santa Monica Airport Should Vanish! Noise and Air Pollution in Residential Communities --- A Coasian Conundrum
Santa Monica Airport Should Vanish! Noise and Air Pollution in Residential Communities --- A Coasian Conundrum
How Nasty is Cigar Smoke? A Canadian Reseacher Goes Undercover to Find Out
How Nasty is Cigar Smoke? A Canadian Reseacher Goes Undercover to Find Out
A Younger Economist with Hair
Beware the Contents of a Box
Beware the Contents of a Box
A New Jersey Suburban Enclave that Doesn't Feel Like Sprawl
A New Jersey Suburban Enclave that Doesn't Feel Like Sprawl
Pollution Havens: Evidence from China
Pollution Havens: Evidence from China
Why Is Santa Monica Real Estate So Expensive?
Why Is Santa Monica Real Estate So Expensive?
A Very Successful UCLA Graduate Believes in the Carnegie Conjecture
A Very Successful UCLA Graduate Believes in the Carnegie Conjecture
Information Technology and Efficient Government
Information Technology and Efficient Government
Hey Hey It's the Urban Monkeys
Hey Hey It's the Urban Monkeys
Do Pigeons Threaten NYC's Quality of Life?
Do Pigeons Threaten NYC's Quality of Life?
Is Government Efficient? Evidence from Commercial Building Energy Consumption
Is Government Efficient? Evidence from Commercial Building Energy Consumption
Corporate Environmentalism and Cutting Out the Middleman: The Case of the Eagles (the Rock Band)
Corporate Environmentalism and Cutting Out the Middleman: The Case of the Eagles (the Rock Band)
A Solar Power Visionary and the Slow Diffusion of His Ideas
A Solar Power Visionary and the Slow Diffusion of His Ideas
Columbia University's Slow Mail System
Columbia University's Slow Mail System
Sharing Common Space in Big Cities
Sharing Common Space in Big Cities
Should Bloggers Spend More Time Writing Academic Papers?
Should Bloggers Spend More Time Writing Academic Papers?
Can Batman Improve Hong Kong's Water Quality?
Can Batman Improve Hong Kong's Water Quality?
Could Green Cities "Hum" With New Development?
Could Green Cities "Hum" With New Development?
Could a Long Hollywood Strike Lower Los Angeles Home Prices?
Could a Long Hollywood Strike Lower Los Angeles Home Prices?
Venezuela and the "Anti-Pigou" Club: The Consequences of Cheap Gas
Venezuela and the "Anti-Pigou" Club: The Consequences of Cheap Gas
The Battle of the Green Cars: Tax Credits, Price of Gasoline and Environmentalism
The Battle of the Green Cars: Tax Credits, Price of Gasoline and Environmentalism
Is the Recent Environmentalism Surge a Fad that will Pass?
Is the Recent Environmentalism Surge a Fad that will Pass?
Alternatives to Gasoline: Pros and Cons
Alternatives to Gasoline: Pros and Cons
Is Malibu a Good Place to Live?
Is Malibu a Good Place to Live?
Why Are Serious Economists Not Quoted in Public Policy Pieces?
Why Are Serious Economists Not Quoted in Public Policy Pieces?
Destined for UTube?
Destined for UTube?
Is Harvard Becoming "Greener" Over Time?
Is Harvard Becoming "Greener" Over Time?
My Cable TV Debut
My Cable TV Debut
Santa Monica AltCar Expo on friday 10/19/2007
Santa Monica AltCar Expo on friday 10/19/2007
Forget UCLA Basketball, Focus on the Ziman Real Estate Center
Forget UCLA Basketball, Focus on the Ziman Real Estate Center
Home Insurance and Climate Change
Home Insurance and Climate Change
A Future at the Anderson Forecast?
A Future at the Anderson Forecast?
Did Al Gore Merit a Nobel Peace Prize?
Did Al Gore Merit a Nobel Peace Prize?
Richard Green's Urban Economics Blog
Richard Green's Urban Economics Blog
UCLA Research on Faculty-Student Dating
UCLA Research on Faculty-Student Dating
UCLA Faculty Position in "Climate Change": An Infomercial
UCLA Faculty Position in "Climate Change": An Infomercial
Life in the Big City: Bums, Revitalizing Buffalo and Nepotism
Life in the Big City: Bums, Revitalizing Buffalo and Nepotism
Should Professors be Replaced by Video Games? The Case of Green Lessons from the New Version of SimCity
Should Professors be Replaced by Video Games? The Case of Green Lessons from the New Version of SimCity
Does Relationship Stress Cause Bad Health?
Does Relationship Stress Cause Bad Health?
New Environmental Policy Blog at Resources for the Future
New Environmental Policy Blog at Resources for the Future
Will the 2008 U.S Presidential Election Influence Who Wins the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics?
Will the 2008 U.S Presidential Election Influence Who Wins the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics?
Congestion and "Affordable" Housing in Los Angeles
Congestion and "Affordable" Housing in Los Angeles
Carbon Copies of Economists: Evidence from Google Images
Carbon Copies of Economists: Evidence from Google Images
Bucharest Romania: A Future Superstar City?
Bucharest Romania: A Future Superstar City?
A $274 Billion Dollar Makeover of our Water Works System
A $274 Billion Dollar Makeover of our Water Works System
Expressing One's Environmentalism in Day to Day Life
Expressing One's Environmentalism in Day to Day Life
The Perils of Reverse Commuting Using Public Transit
The Perils of Reverse Commuting Using Public Transit
Solar Roofs as Conspicuous Consumption
Solar Roofs as Conspicuous Consumption
Decentralization of Public Goods Provision: The Case of Los Angeles Tree Planting
Decentralization of Public Goods Provision: The Case of Los Angeles Tree Planting
Can a Retired Berkeley Professor Rebuild New Orleans?
Can a Retired Berkeley Professor Rebuild New Orleans?
National and City Quality of Life Rankings Published in October 2007 Reader's Digest
National and City Quality of Life Rankings Published in October 2007 Reader's Digest
Zoning in Mexico City
Zoning in Mexico City
A New Bill of Rights?
A New Bill of Rights?
Here Comes the Sun
Here Comes the Sun
Do People Fear Heat Waves Too Little?
Do People Fear Heat Waves Too Little?
Absorbing Growth Without Browning the City or Region
Absorbing Growth Without Browning the City or Region
Extra Reading for those with spare time
Extra Reading for those with spare time
A Day in the Life of a Los Angeles Economist
A Day in the Life of a Los Angeles Economist
Would Higher Gasoline Prices Help Us Lose Weight?
Would Higher Gasoline Prices Help Us Lose Weight?
Would Dick Cheney Be an Effective Mayor of Santa Cruz, CA?
Would Dick Cheney Be an Effective Mayor of Santa Cruz, CA?
Apartment Owners as a Forgotten Interest Group with An Incentive to Fight for Greener Chinese Cities
Apartment Owners as a Forgotten Interest Group with An Incentive to Fight for Greener Chinese Cities
Close to the World Trade Center Site: A "Consumer City" Renaissance
Close to the World Trade Center Site: A "Consumer City" Renaissance
Publishing in Reader's Digest and the American Economic Review in the Same Month: Should I be Proud of That?
Publishing in Reader's Digest and the American Economic Review in the Same Month: Should I be Proud of That?
Did 9/11/2001 Cause Significant Public Health Damage to Ground Zero Workers?
Did 9/11/2001 Cause Significant Public Health Damage to Ground Zero Workers?
The Tragedy of the Commons and Disposing of Hiker Poop
The Tragedy of the Commons and Disposing of Hiker Poop
Reviews of my Green Cities Book: Small Sample Research (N=3)
Reviews of my Green Cities Book: Small Sample Research (N=3)
Khrushchev's Obituary: Lessons for Ambitious People?
Khrushchev's Obituary: Lessons for Ambitious People?
Urban Peepers and High Stakes Testing
Urban Peepers and High Stakes Testing
Economists versus Psychologists: A Case Study for Telling Us Apart
Economists versus Psychologists: A Case Study for Telling Us Apart
Insurance Premiums as Market Signals; Implications for Adapting to Climate Change
Insurance Premiums as Market Signals; Implications for Adapting to Climate Change
Does Child Obesity Cause School Absences? Correlation versus Causation?
Does Child Obesity Cause School Absences? Correlation versus Causation?
Big Dig Redux? How Would You Minimize Corruption in Big City Infrastructure Projects?
Big Dig Redux? How Would You Minimize Corruption in Big City Infrastructure Projects?
My New Favorite Newspaper: The Ottawa Citizen
My New Favorite Newspaper: The Ottawa Citizen
Public Relations and the Modern Academic
Public Relations and the Modern Academic
Some Arithmetic on the Cost of NYC Traffic Congestion
Some Arithmetic on the Cost of NYC Traffic Congestion
Could Energy Economics be the Next "Big Thing" in academic economics?
Could Energy Economics be the Next "Big Thing" in academic economics?
Renters of the World Unite: May Interest Rates Keep Rising!
Renters of the World Unite: May Interest Rates Keep Rising!
Do Public Officials Live a "Green Life" in Private? The Case of Los Angeles
Do Public Officials Live a "Green Life" in Private? The Case of Los Angeles
An Old Debate About "Sustainable Growth" Between Paul Romer and Paul Ehrlich
An Old Debate About "Sustainable Growth" Between Paul Romer and Paul Ehrlich
My Research and My Books
My Research and My Books
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