Environmental and Urban Economics
Matthew E. Kahn Twitter @mattkahn1966
Negative Externalities Caused by Trade: The Case of Chicken Fat
Negative Externalities Caused by Trade: The Case of Chicken Fat
Nov 28th
Reference Points and Climate
Reference Points and Climate
Nov 28th
Toliet to the Tap? Increasing the Western Water Supply Through Technological Advance
Toliet to the Tap? Increasing the Western Water Supply Through Technological Advance
Nov 27th
Why is Chicago Pursuing a "Green" Alley Pavement Program?
Why is Chicago Pursuing a "Green" Alley Pavement Program?
Nov 26th
Santa Monica Airport Should Vanish! Noise and Air Pollution in Residential Communities --- A Coasian Conundrum
Santa Monica Airport Should Vanish! Noise and Air Pollution in Residential Communities --- A Coasian Conundrum
Nov 24th
How Nasty is Cigar Smoke? A Canadian Reseacher Goes Undercover to Find Out
How Nasty is Cigar Smoke? A Canadian Reseacher Goes Undercover to Find Out
Nov 24th
A Younger Economist with Hair
Nov 21st
Beware the Contents of a Box
Beware the Contents of a Box
Nov 21st
A New Jersey Suburban Enclave that Doesn't Feel Like Sprawl
A New Jersey Suburban Enclave that Doesn't Feel Like Sprawl
Nov 19th
Pollution Havens: Evidence from China
Pollution Havens: Evidence from China
Nov 18th
Why Is Santa Monica Real Estate So Expensive?
Why Is Santa Monica Real Estate So Expensive?
Nov 17th
A Very Successful UCLA Graduate Believes in the Carnegie Conjecture
A Very Successful UCLA Graduate Believes in the Carnegie Conjecture
Nov 16th
Information Technology and Efficient Government
Information Technology and Efficient Government
Nov 15th
Hey Hey It's the Urban Monkeys
Hey Hey It's the Urban Monkeys
Nov 14th
Do Pigeons Threaten NYC's Quality of Life?
Do Pigeons Threaten NYC's Quality of Life?
Nov 13th
Is Government Efficient? Evidence from Commercial Building Energy Consumption
Is Government Efficient? Evidence from Commercial Building Energy Consumption
Nov 12th
Corporate Environmentalism and Cutting Out the Middleman: The Case of the Eagles (the Rock Band)
Corporate Environmentalism and Cutting Out the Middleman: The Case of the Eagles (the Rock Band)
Nov 11th
A Solar Power Visionary and the Slow Diffusion of His Ideas
A Solar Power Visionary and the Slow Diffusion of His Ideas
Nov 11th
Columbia University's Slow Mail System
Columbia University's Slow Mail System
Nov 9th
Sharing Common Space in Big Cities
Sharing Common Space in Big Cities
Nov 9th
Should Bloggers Spend More Time Writing Academic Papers?
Should Bloggers Spend More Time Writing Academic Papers?
Nov 5th
Can Batman Improve Hong Kong's Water Quality?
Can Batman Improve Hong Kong's Water Quality?
Nov 4th
Could Green Cities "Hum" With New Development?
Could Green Cities "Hum" With New Development?
Nov 3rd
Could a Long Hollywood Strike Lower Los Angeles Home Prices?
Could a Long Hollywood Strike Lower Los Angeles Home Prices?
Nov 2nd
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Matthew E. Kahn
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