Environmental and Urban Economics
Matthew E. Kahn Twitter @mattkahn1966
Forget the "Kyoto Protocols" and Get Ready for the "Harvard Protocols" to Mitigate the Threat of Climate Change
Forget the "Kyoto Protocols" and Get Ready for the "Harvard Protocols" to Mitigate the Threat of Climate Change
Jul 30th
Objectively Judging One's Intellectual Progress
Objectively Judging One's Intellectual Progress
Jul 29th
Crime and Punishment: Hot Cars, Young Kids and Distracted Parents
Crime and Punishment: Hot Cars, Young Kids and Distracted Parents
Jul 28th
Why Are New York City's Best Public Schools Better than Los Angeles' Best?
Why Are New York City's Best Public Schools Better than Los Angeles' Best?
Jul 28th
How "Green" is Renewable Energy?
How "Green" is Renewable Energy?
Jul 26th
Famous Economists Ranked by Google Trends
Jul 24th
Boston's Charles River is Swimmable Again!
Boston's Charles River is Swimmable Again!
Jul 22nd
Is Public Transit Dangerous?
Is Public Transit Dangerous?
Jul 17th
A Return Trip to Boston
A Return Trip to Boston
Jul 17th
Does the New Hybrid Lexus drive like a Porsche and sip fuel like a Prius?
Does the New Hybrid Lexus drive like a Porsche and sip fuel like a Prius?
Jul 14th
Drought in the American West
Drought in the American West
Jul 13th
The Market for Lemons Revisited: The Case of the Cardboard Steamed Buns
The Market for Lemons Revisited: The Case of the Cardboard Steamed Buns
Jul 12th
Foreign Real Estate Bidders and Superstar Cities
Foreign Real Estate Bidders and Superstar Cities
Jul 11th
Beauty Investment in Cities: Part II
Beauty Investment in Cities: Part II
Jul 7th
The New York Times Stages a One Sided Debate on Roland Fryer's Incentive Program
The New York Times Stages a One Sided Debate on Roland Fryer's Incentive Program
Jul 2nd
Green Consumers and the Race Between Quantity and Quality of Consumption
Green Consumers and the Race Between Quantity and Quality of Consumption
Jul 2nd
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