Providing the Poor with $ Incentives to Take Care of Themselves
People seem to respond to financial incentives so let's pay the poor for getting medical checkups, atteding parent-teacher conferences and getting a job. That's what New York City is about to do. Will this program be effective? Will it have unintended consequences? At a minimum, it will allow some social scientist to write a nice evaluation study. Will the poor move to New York City to qualify for this program? They would need to find an expensive apartment.
We know that such incentives for the poor are in vogue.
Economists such as Roland Fryer ( are running experiments to see if student performance improves if they are provided with different short run incentives.
We know that such incentives for the poor are in vogue.
Economists such as Roland Fryer ( are running experiments to see if student performance improves if they are provided with different short run incentives.