Praise for California
Praise for California
Pick Your Poison: "Oil Dependence" or Ambient Particulates
Pick Your Poison: "Oil Dependence" or Ambient Particulates
Metro Areas Morphing into CMSAs: Implications for Local Labor Markets
Metro Areas Morphing into CMSAs: Implications for Local Labor Markets
Moving West: A Tufts to UCLA Transition
Moving West: A Tufts to UCLA Transition
Harvard Debates the Benefits of the Legacy Admissions Edge
Harvard Debates the Benefits of the Legacy Admissions Edge
To Conserve on Natural Resource Consumption: Expected Prices Must be Positive!
To Conserve on Natural Resource Consumption: Expected Prices Must be Positive!
Ed Glaeser says "Charge for Congestion"
Ed Glaeser says "Charge for Congestion"
Reducing Big City Traffic Congestion: Lessons from London
Reducing Big City Traffic Congestion: Lessons from London
When Bioterrorism was no big deal
When Bioterrorism was no big deal
Urban Tourism by Demographic Group
Urban Tourism by Demographic Group
Do Rats Threaten New York City's Quality of Life?
Do Rats Threaten New York City's Quality of Life?
Do Immigrants Make Cities Safer?
Do Immigrants Make Cities Safer?
Anti-Climate Change Regulation Requires a Salient Event? Justice Scalia asks "When is the Cataclysm?"
Anti-Climate Change Regulation Requires a Salient Event? Justice Scalia asks "When is the Cataclysm?"
Green Cities Cracks Into one "Top 10" List
Green Cities Cracks Into one "Top 10" List
Ed Glaeser Takes on Tom Wolfe
Ed Glaeser Takes on Tom Wolfe
70,080 Hours of Marriage
70,080 Hours of Marriage
A New Urban Economics Blog
A New Urban Economics Blog
A Superstar City Prepares to Grow
A Superstar City Prepares to Grow
Present Discounted Value Calculations and the Benefits of Fighting Climate Change
Present Discounted Value Calculations and the Benefits of Fighting Climate Change
“Most economics departments are like country clubs” says a Nobel Laureate. Is This True?
“Most economics departments are like country clubs” says a Nobel Laureate. Is This True?
Milton Friedman’s Impact on my Chicago Training in Economics
Milton Friedman’s Impact on my Chicago Training in Economics
Is Los Angeles Dangerous for Kahn? A test of the "Law of Small Numbers"
Is Los Angeles Dangerous for Kahn? A test of the "Law of Small Numbers"
Harvard's Effort to Mitigate Climate Change
Harvard's Effort to Mitigate Climate Change
Two New Environmental Economics Papers
Two New Environmental Economics Papers
Finding "Green" Neighbors and Product Bundling
Finding "Green" Neighbors and Product Bundling
Climate Change and Cities
Climate Change and Cities
Political Cycles and their Impact on Environmental Policy: Will the Democrats Pursue An Active Climate Change Mitigation Policy?
Political Cycles and their Impact on Environmental Policy: Will the Democrats Pursue An Active Climate Change Mitigation Policy?
Toliets and Public Health in LDCs
Toliets and Public Health in LDCs
Kahn is Quoted in Today's London Guardian
Kahn is Quoted in Today's London Guardian
My Chapter for a new London Policy Exchange Book
My Chapter for a new London Policy Exchange Book
New Climate Economics
New Climate Economics
What is "Frontier" Environmental Economics?
What is "Frontier" Environmental Economics?
Overfishing, Tragedy of the Commons and Resource Depletion
Overfishing, Tragedy of the Commons and Resource Depletion
Is Golf a Legal Means of Achieving Racial Segregation in the Suburbs?
Is Golf a Legal Means of Achieving Racial Segregation in the Suburbs?
Kevin Murphy: Profiled in the Chicago Alumni Magazine
Kevin Murphy: Profiled in the Chicago Alumni Magazine
Halloween in the Low Density Suburbs: No Walking Door to Door
Halloween in the Low Density Suburbs: No Walking Door to Door
Massachusetts Vehicle License Applications Offer a "Freakonomics" Data Set Opportunity
Massachusetts Vehicle License Applications Offer a "Freakonomics" Data Set Opportunity
London's Policy Exchange to publish "Living for the City" Next Week
London's Policy Exchange to publish "Living for the City" Next Week
Media Bias? Why Aren't Academic Economists Being Quoted on Climate Change Policy?
Media Bias? Why Aren't Academic Economists Being Quoted on Climate Change Policy?
Preparing to Pre-Empt a World Flu Epidemic
Preparing to Pre-Empt a World Flu Epidemic
Self-fulfilling Prophesies and Global Carbon Trading
Self-fulfilling Prophesies and Global Carbon Trading
The Harvard Crimson's Analysis of Clean Toliets and Public Health
The Harvard Crimson's Analysis of Clean Toliets and Public Health
Odd Environmental News: Treated Sewage to be Used to Build a "Natural Buffer" Near New Orleans
Odd Environmental News: Treated Sewage to be Used to Build a "Natural Buffer" Near New Orleans
Bridging Social Capital and Cultural Divides
Bridging Social Capital and Cultural Divides
Behavioral Economics, Self Control and Diabetes
Behavioral Economics, Self Control and Diabetes
Green Cities: The 45 Minute Lecture
Green Cities: The 45 Minute Lecture
Job Suburbanization in New York City and Commuting Patterns
Job Suburbanization in New York City and Commuting Patterns
Hong Kong, Air Pollution and the Coase Theorem
Hong Kong, Air Pollution and the Coase Theorem
Some Thoughts on Field Experiments as a Research Methodology
Some Thoughts on Field Experiments as a Research Methodology
300 Million People in the United States: The New York Times Approves
300 Million People in the United States: The New York Times Approves
Unintended Consequences of Driving Restrictions: New Lessons from Mexico
Unintended Consequences of Driving Restrictions: New Lessons from Mexico
Are there Too Few Prizes in Academic Economics? A Suggestion for Inflating Beyond the Nobel Prize and the Clark Medal
Are there Too Few Prizes in Academic Economics? A Suggestion for Inflating Beyond the Nobel Prize and the Clark Medal
Russia Offers a Data Point for the Chicago School of Regulation
Russia Offers a Data Point for the Chicago School of Regulation
Evaluating Programs to Reduce Diarrhea in rural Kenya by Improving Source Water Quality
Evaluating Programs to Reduce Diarrhea in rural Kenya by Improving Source Water Quality
Don't Call it Sprawl --- A Review of Tom Bogart's new book
Don't Call it Sprawl --- A Review of Tom Bogart's new book
Signaling and the Congressional Medal of Honor (The Back Cover of the October 2006 Journal of Political Economy)
Signaling and the Congressional Medal of Honor (The Back Cover of the October 2006 Journal of Political Economy)
Starbucks Learns About The Cost of Hyperinflation and some "Green" Economics
Starbucks Learns About The Cost of Hyperinflation and some "Green" Economics
A Berkeley Urban Design Expert's Advice for China
A Berkeley Urban Design Expert's Advice for China
The "Silver Lining" of Rust Belt Decline Revisited
The "Silver Lining" of Rust Belt Decline Revisited
In this age of e-mail, do academics receive interesting snail mail?
In this age of e-mail, do academics receive interesting snail mail?
Big Questions in Environmental Economics
Big Questions in Environmental Economics
Explaining Declining U.S Energy Consumption per $ of GNP
Explaining Declining U.S Energy Consumption per $ of GNP
A Serious Dose of Environmental Economics
A Serious Dose of Environmental Economics
Life Expectancy by State: Selection or Treatment? You Decide
Life Expectancy by State: Selection or Treatment? You Decide
A Statistical Analysis of Library Use at the University of Chicago: A Case Study of Nerd Power!
A Statistical Analysis of Library Use at the University of Chicago: A Case Study of Nerd Power!
Review Copies of Green Cities: Urban Growth and the Environment
Review Copies of Green Cities: Urban Growth and the Environment
Can Fear of Air Travel Delays Increase Support for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy?
Can Fear of Air Travel Delays Increase Support for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy?
The New Academic Year
The New Academic Year
New Social Science Books by University of Chicago Graduates: Can Kahn Outsell Rosenblatt's study of snoring and cold feet in bed?
New Social Science Books by University of Chicago Graduates: Can Kahn Outsell Rosenblatt's study of snoring and cold feet in bed?
What Do Economics Professors Do All Day?
What Do Economics Professors Do All Day?
Adjustable Rate Mortgages and Behavioral Economics
Adjustable Rate Mortgages and Behavioral Economics
As of Today, Green Cities: Urban Growth and the Environment is Published!
As of Today, Green Cities: Urban Growth and the Environment is Published!
California Manufacturing Battles Back against new CO2 regulation
California Manufacturing Battles Back against new CO2 regulation
Is the Berkeley Daily Planet a Better Newspaper than the New York Times?
Is the Berkeley Daily Planet a Better Newspaper than the New York Times?
Is Los Angeles a Green City?
Is Los Angeles a Green City?
A Small Sample Field Experiment in Real Estate Search
A Small Sample Field Experiment in Real Estate Search
Green Cities: Urban Growth and the Environment --- Chapter One as a .pdf file
Green Cities: Urban Growth and the Environment --- Chapter One as a .pdf file
Superstar Cities and the Middle Class Housing Squeeze
Superstar Cities and the Middle Class Housing Squeeze
Information Technology Solves Government Asymmetric Information Problems
Information Technology Solves Government Asymmetric Information Problems
The Merits of High Density Development in Brooklyn, NY
The Merits of High Density Development in Brooklyn, NY
Majoring in Economics ==> Fame? Here is The Right Tail of the Distribution
Majoring in Economics ==> Fame? Here is The Right Tail of the Distribution
Incentives to Purchase Hybrid Vehicles
Incentives to Purchase Hybrid Vehicles
When Do Corporations Take "Green" Actions?
When Do Corporations Take "Green" Actions?
Pigeons as Information Technology: A New Method for Monitoring Air Pollution
Pigeons as Information Technology: A New Method for Monitoring Air Pollution
Inside the Economist's Mind
Inside the Economist's Mind
Diary of a Mediocre Day
Diary of a Mediocre Day
Cross-Country Environmental Comparisons
Cross-Country Environmental Comparisons
Answering my Blog Mail
Answering my Blog Mail
Environmental and Urban Economics Blog is One Year Old!
Environmental and Urban Economics Blog is One Year Old!
Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
Berkeley, California Rules!
Berkeley, California Rules!
Is Boston the Epi-Center of Academic Economics?
Is Boston the Epi-Center of Academic Economics?
Green Cities: Urban Growth and the Environment will be published in August 2006 by Brookings Institution Press
Green Cities: Urban Growth and the Environment will be published in August 2006 by Brookings Institution Press
The Quality of Capitalist Products: The Role of Reputation
The Quality of Capitalist Products: The Role of Reputation
Trends in Corruption in Public Works Projects: Is the "Big Dig Disaster" an Anomaly?
Trends in Corruption in Public Works Projects: Is the "Big Dig Disaster" an Anomaly?
When the Rich Get Richer, what happens to the poor?
When the Rich Get Richer, what happens to the poor?
The New York Times Discusses New York City
The New York Times Discusses New York City
Will China's Cities be "Green" in 2050?
Will China's Cities be "Green" in 2050?
Sports Illustrated Offers an Intriguing Example of the value of New Goods: How Much Would You pay For this Device?
Sports Illustrated Offers an Intriguing Example of the value of New Goods: How Much Would You pay For this Device?
My Research and My Books
My Research and My Books
To learn more about my research click here.

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