Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
There are many treatments in this world. I bet that reading this blog has a small negative treatment effect on your IQ while brushing your teeth has a positive effect on reducing cavities.
Many economists are attempting to measure such treatments because we care about what is "good public policy" and we care about causality. If deworming children in a LDC CAUSES an increase in school attendance, then this suggests that there are benefits from such a policy that may exceed the costs of the policy.
Treatment effects researchers face at least 2 challenges. First, they must establish that the treatment they are studying such as "attending Harvard" is not correlated with key variables that a researcher may not observe such as "intrinsic aptitude".
Many economists are attempting to measure such treatments because we care about what is "good public policy" and we care about causality. If deworming children in a LDC CAUSES an increase in school attendance, then this suggests that there are benefits from such a policy that may exceed the costs of the policy.
Treatment effects researchers face at least 2 challenges. First, they must establish that the treatment they are studying such as "attending Harvard" is not correlated with key variables that a researcher may not observe such as "intrinsic aptitude".