I first heard about Jane Jacobs' work from Ed Glaeser when he was starting to write his well known JPE paper (1992) testing whether more diverse or more specialized cities grow faster. Glaeser's Dream Team of co-authors found that "Jacobs beat Marshall-Arrow-Romer". More diverse cities grew faster.
My wife and I were having a deep discussion the other day about how many natural gas explosions there might be in Los Angeles if a serious earthquake took place.
Classes at Tufts end next week. I am ready for summer time. I need the peace and quiet to write 6 different papers that I had thought i would have finished by now. I have fallen so far behind on my tasks that I've stopped blogging for weeks now.
Classes at Tufts end next week. I am ready for summer time. I need the peace and quiet to write 6 different papers that I had thought i would have finished by now. I have fallen so far behind on my tasks that I've stopped blogging for weeks now.
On April 7th, I attended a great NBER environmental economics conference. If you would like to the see the papers presented take a look at this link.
Should the U.S follow France and produce more electricity using nuclear power? How much power? Where should these nuclear power plants be located? Upwind of New York City and Boston? Have people gotten over their fears of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl? Has technological advance made enough progres
My son keeps telling me that after the Titanic sank in 1912 all subsequent passenger ships were required to have a lifeboat seat for each passenger on board. Such an ex-post response is the tip of the iceberg.
Why have Japanese car makers been leaders in developing "Green cars" such as those mentioned below? How much higher are gas prices there relative to the U.S? At the end of the article there is a discussion of the roughly $5,000 subsidy U.S drivers receive for buying such hybrid cars.
Do economists write best sellers? Could a movie be based on Joe Stiglitz books? Who would play the head of the IMF? According to Amazon's website.
I wanted to report some research on what types of first names are correlated with greater economic success. I've learned that "Matthew" is not a sufficient treatment and I'm considering changing my first name to "Dora", "Ed", "Steve", "Larry", "Gary", or "Andrei" but I haven't made up my mind yet.
At the Berkeley Transportation EMCT-OECD Conference I attended early this week, a prominent urban planner from Virginia Tech said that the United States faces a future mismatch between the housing people desire and what our current housing stock is.
This New York Times article suggests that demand curves do slope down! People engage in less risky behavior when the "price" of such behavior increases. Experts appear to be surprised by this good news.
I recognize that I don't have much street credibility in proposing profitable asset trading strategies. But, this New York Times article suggests that there is money to be made by selling short companies such as General Motors with an older workforce.