EPA versus DOD: Who Wins This Regulatory Wrestling Match?
This is an interesting example of regulations are made when two different parts of the government disagree about how to proceed. In this case, the EPA and Department of Defense appear to have opposite views on the effects of the solvent TCE. This Los Angeles Times article below suggests that many people have been exposed to it on and near military bases.
The theory of compensating differentials predicts that if people know that they are being exposed to a risk (such as cancer) they will be compensated through either higher wages or by paying lower rents for real estate. But, if people are unaware of what they are being exposed to then these "victims" will not be compensated ex-ante for living in a nasty place.
The theory of compensating differentials predicts that if people know that they are being exposed to a risk (such as cancer) they will be compensated through either higher wages or by paying lower rents for real estate. But, if people are unaware of what they are being exposed to then these "victims" will not be compensated ex-ante for living in a nasty place.