Environmental and Urban Economics
Matthew E. Kahn Twitter @mattkahn1966
Rewarding Economic Inefficiency: Kyoto at Work
Rewarding Economic Inefficiency: Kyoto at Work
Dec 29th
Predictions for 2006
Predictions for 2006
Dec 28th
Building Credibility Through Battling Public Sector Unions: The Case of NYC’s Mayor
Building Credibility Through Battling Public Sector Unions: The Case of NYC’s Mayor
Dec 23rd
New York City's Quality of Life During the Public Transit Strike
New York City's Quality of Life During the Public Transit Strike
Dec 22nd
Explaining Environmentalism: The Young are Green
Explaining Environmentalism: The Young are Green
Dec 21st
Green Product: Milk and Methane
Green Product: Milk and Methane
Dec 19th
The Perils of Relying on Public Transit
The Perils of Relying on Public Transit
Dec 17th
Socially Responsible Investing: Estimating Selection and Treatment Effects
Socially Responsible Investing: Estimating Selection and Treatment Effects
Dec 16th
Dynamic Incentives, Time Consistency and Bolivia's Water Supply
Dynamic Incentives, Time Consistency and Bolivia's Water Supply
Dec 15th
Credible Threats and Environmental Compliance
Credible Threats and Environmental Compliance
Dec 15th
Shame and International Environmental Negotiations
Shame and International Environmental Negotiations
Dec 13th
Cleaning Up Superfund Sites in "Hot" Real Estate Markets
Cleaning Up Superfund Sites in "Hot" Real Estate Markets
Dec 11th
The Supply and Demand for Water in Las Vegas
The Supply and Demand for Water in Las Vegas
Dec 11th
International Environmental Negotiations
International Environmental Negotiations
Dec 9th
Applied Cost/Benefit Analysis: The Case of U.S Rail Transit Investments
Applied Cost/Benefit Analysis: The Case of U.S Rail Transit Investments
Dec 8th
Trends in U.S Public Transit Use 1970 to 2000
Trends in U.S Public Transit Use 1970 to 2000
Dec 6th
Do Highways Cause Suburban Sprawl? Future Evidence from India
Do Highways Cause Suburban Sprawl? Future Evidence from India
Dec 4th
Social Capital in the U.S Civil War
Social Capital in the U.S Civil War
Dec 3rd
Have Peak Oil Web Sites Peaked?
Have Peak Oil Web Sites Peaked?
Dec 2nd
How Do You Catch Terrorists?
How Do You Catch Terrorists?
Dec 1st
My Research and My Books
My Research and My Books
To learn more about my research
click here.
To purchase one of my four books,
click here
To learn more about my research<a href="http://mek1966.googlepages.com"> click here.</a> <div><br /></div><div>To purchase one of my four books, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Matthew-E.-Kahn/e/B001JSDZTK">click here</a>. </div>
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