Climate Change Mitigation: Blue States Act and Red States Free Ride
As discussed below, 9 northeastern states are getting ready to sign a pact to cap and trade electric utility greenhouse gas emissions. Under what conditions would this pact accelerate the timing and increase the probability that the nation's electric utilities adopts a credible cap and trade CO2 policy?
1. Is this a demonstration project to show that the extra costs of meeting this new regulation (measured in higher electricity prices and lower electric utility profits) are not that high?
2. Will this accelerate the development and diffusion of new "green" technologies?
3. In aggregate,how much will this regional trading reduce national greenhouse gas production by?
1. Is this a demonstration project to show that the extra costs of meeting this new regulation (measured in higher electricity prices and lower electric utility profits) are not that high?
2. Will this accelerate the development and diffusion of new "green" technologies?
3. In aggregate,how much will this regional trading reduce national greenhouse gas production by?