Housing Afffordability and Green Cities
Housing Afffordability and Green Cities
Does the Absence of Trust Fuel the Demand for Sprawl?
Does the Absence of Trust Fuel the Demand for Sprawl?
Sprawl: Choice or Fueled by Implicit Subsidies and Regulation?
Sprawl: Choice or Fueled by Implicit Subsidies and Regulation?
Bernanke and Dams in India Have Nothing in Common!
Bernanke and Dams in India Have Nothing in Common!
Does Urbanization Reduce Environmental Consciousness?
Does Urbanization Reduce Environmental Consciousness?
Garbage Exports to Africa
Garbage Exports to Africa
Terrorism and Global Warming: Crisis Issues?
Terrorism and Global Warming: Crisis Issues?
The Market for Katrina Lemons
The Market for Katrina Lemons
Chernobyl's Long Run Effects?
Chernobyl's Long Run Effects?
Asking Stiglitz to Guide Us to "Moral Growth"
Asking Stiglitz to Guide Us to "Moral Growth"
Teaching The Theory of the Firm
Teaching The Theory of the Firm
Melting Artic Ice Caps and the Pollution Havens Hypothesis
Melting Artic Ice Caps and the Pollution Havens Hypothesis
Effective Environmental Regulation: Does Money Matter?
Effective Environmental Regulation: Does Money Matter?
Information and Urban Problem Solving
Information and Urban Problem Solving
Garbage Disposal in New Orleans
Garbage Disposal in New Orleans
The Marginal Cost of Being a Green City
The Marginal Cost of Being a Green City
What is an “Environmental Refugee”?
What is an “Environmental Refugee”?
Blogs and Academic Research: Complements or Substitutes?
Blogs and Academic Research: Complements or Substitutes?
Limits to Growth --- Cut Off the Water!
Limits to Growth --- Cut Off the Water!
Is the Nobel Prize Overrated?
Is the Nobel Prize Overrated?
Harvard Budgets for an Expensive Winter of Heating
Harvard Budgets for an Expensive Winter of Heating
The Environmental Benefits of Competition
The Environmental Benefits of Competition
Urban Quality of Life and Crime in NYC
Urban Quality of Life and Crime in NYC
Columbia University’s Rise: The Role of Urban Quality of Life and Power Couple Co-location
Columbia University’s Rise: The Role of Urban Quality of Life and Power Couple Co-location
The Environmental Benefits of Population Growth?
The Environmental Benefits of Population Growth?
A "Kuznets Curve" for NYC Deaths From Fires 1947 to 2000
A "Kuznets Curve" for NYC Deaths From Fires 1947 to 2000
The Decline in the Percent of Employment in Manufacturing
The Decline in the Percent of Employment in Manufacturing
Responsive Local Government and Chemical Leaks in New Jersey
Responsive Local Government and Chemical Leaks in New Jersey
My Research and My Books
My Research and My Books
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