Oil Prices: Why Are Economists Such Optimists?
The Oil Drum has recently presented a fascinating one-sided debate in which many folks mocked economists for not understanding key issues related to Peak Oil . As an economist, who is married to an economist and spends 85% of his academic time with other economists, it was quite good for me to see how smart people think about a key policy issue.
Steve Levitt posted a very reasonable discussion of his optimism that incentives for conservation and production would play a key role in mitigating any future “oil crisis”. The responses posted to Oil Drum boiled down to calling him “naïve” and ideologically driven in his faith in free markets.
Steve Levitt posted a very reasonable discussion of his optimism that incentives for conservation and production would play a key role in mitigating any future “oil crisis”. The responses posted to Oil Drum boiled down to calling him “naïve” and ideologically driven in his faith in free markets.